Psychological Tests & Guides for Self-awareness
Discover life insights and boost self-awareness with our easy-to-follow tests and guides.
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Trauma Timeline Worksheet: Unraveling the Past
This worksheet is designed to guide individuals through a process of exploring their past experiences, including traumatic events, and understanding how these events have influenced their lives.
Identifying Your Needs in a Relationship Worksheet
"To have a fulfilling relationship, it's important to discern and communicate your needs with your partner. The "Identifying Your Needs in Relationships" worksheet can help you identify and express your expectations, boundaries, and desires, leading to a happier relationship.
Physical Side Effects of EMDR Therapy: Myths vs. Reality
The therapy aims to help clients process their traumatic memories and reduce their emotional distress. However, it's important to explore the physical side effects of EMDR, which are often overlooked.
Breaking Free: A Guide to Trauma Bond Withdrawal Symptoms
Trauma bonds develop due to tactics like gaslighting, intermittent reinforcement, threats, and emotional manipulation used by abusers to initiate a repeating cycle between mistreatment and kindness. This reinforcement results in victims becoming emotionally bonded and dependent on their abusers through trauma.
Self Validation Worksheet: Simple Ways to Validate Yourself
Self-validation means affirming your self-worth. It means accepting yourself as you are, with compassion and without judgment. Self-validation requires looking inward and reflecting on your core values, strengths, and potential. It enables recognizing your inherent worth despite circumstances or outside opinions.