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148 posts

Generational Healing: Healing Across Generations

Our ancestors may have experienced trauma, stress, or pain that they passed down to us, resulting in negative patterns or behaviors that we struggle to understand. By addressing these ancestral experiences and bringing awareness to how they affect us, generational healing can be a transformative process.
Generational Healing

Cold Depression: Unveiling the Chilling Abyss

It is a subtle and insidious condition that can be difficult to recognize, even for those who experience it. Cold Depression can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. It is crucial to understand this condition and its wide-reaching impact on individuals and society as a whole.
Cold Depression

How to Answer What Brings You to Therapy

In order to fully benefit from the therapeutic experience, it's important to articulate the reasons for seeking therapy. Taking the time to explore your motivations and speak honestly about your struggles can help you receive the most effective treatment.
How to Answer What Brings You to Therapy

Pre-Verbal Trauma: Unveiling the Silent Wounds

The significance of pre-verbal trauma lies in its ability to impact a person's mental health and well-being long into adulthood. In this article, we explore the hidden scars of pre-verbal trauma and discuss the importance of understanding this type of trauma.
Pre-Verbal Trauma

Self Improvement Affirmations: Unlocking Your Potential

By making affirmations a part of your daily routine, you can unlock your potential and achieve great things. As a psychologist who has worked extensively with clients, I have witnessed how the power of self-improvement affirmations can transform individuals' lives.
Self Improvement Affirmations