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148 posts

Nothing is Permanent: Embracing the Transient Nature of Existence

In modern times, where we are constantly bombarded with information and stimulus, taking a step back to observe and accept impermanence can be especially significant for maintaining mental wellbeing. Let's explore the beauty of life's ebb and flow and learn to embrace the transient nature of existence.
Nothing is Permanent meaning

Lift Myself Up: From Struggle to Strength

This article discusses the tools and strategies readers can utilize in order to create an inspired and motivated life direction regardless of any uncertainties or obstacles they may face. Readers can expect to learn actionable tips that they can use to empower themselves and change their lives for the better.
Lift Myself Up meaning

Progress Not Perfection: Celebrate the Journey, Not the Destination

Striving for perfection can be a goal many of us aim for in our everyday lives, but it’s important to understand the distinction between perfection and progress. The main difference is that success through progress means continually striving towards improvement without necessarily expecting perfection.
Progress Not Perfection means