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148 posts

Therapist Abuse of Power: Unmasking the Dark Side

This article will define therapist abuse and outline standard techniques used by unscrupulous therapists to manipulate clients. The severe impacts of such abuse will be explored, including retraumatization, physical and mental health decline, and long-term emotional damage. Factors that make clients vulnerable to therapist abuse, such as transference and power differentials, are analyzed. 
Therapist Abuse of Power

Disconnect Social Media for Mental Wellness & Peace

Disconnecting from social media, even temporarily, can provide many benefits. A social media detox involves refraining from using platforms like Facebook and Instagram for a set period of time. This allows you to take a step back and break free from the constant notifications, endless scrolling, and non-stop exposure to curated content.
Disconnect Social Media Meaning

Can a Trauma Bond be Fixed: The Road to Recovery

When a victim is recurrently abused, threatened, or manipulated by their partner, their biology responds by releasing hormones like oxytocin and cortisol. These create a trauma response and unconsciously bond the victim to their abuser. 
Can a Trauma Bond be Fixed Meaning

Trauma Bond Withdrawal Symptoms: Reclaiming Your Life

Trauma bonds develop due to tactics like gaslighting, intermittent reinforcement, threats, and emotional manipulation used by abusers to initiate a repeating cycle between mistreatment and kindness. This reinforcement results in victims becoming emotionally bonded and dependent on their abusers through trauma.
Trauma Bond Withdrawal Symptoms Meaning

Nobody Understands Me: Trapped in My Own Mind

Being misunderstood triggers emotions like sadness, anxiety, anger, and loneliness. It makes us question our self-worth and purpose in life. We might start doubting our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of reality. Feeling deeply misunderstood can even lead to depression, social withdrawal, and other mental health issues.
Nobody Understands Me