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148 posts

Understanding Self Validation Worksheet to Build Self-Worth

Self-validation means affirming your self-worth. It means accepting yourself as you are, with compassion and without judgment. Self-validation requires looking inward and reflecting on your core values, strengths, and potential. It enables recognizing your inherent worth despite circumstances or outside opinions.
A girl sitting and reading a book with greenery background.

Sunday Planning System: A Powerful Planning System for Your Weekend

I understand you came here looking for solutions about the Sunday planning system and feel you may be struggling with getting organized. It's tough to change habits! Based on this thorough article, it seems the key is starting small with just a few planning activities consistently every Sunday. Over time, you can add more structure tailored to your needs. Stay patient and focused as you work to implement the tips each week. 
professional daily planner

Understanding Fearful Avoidant Deactivating in Relationships

I understand you have concerns about fearful avoidant deactivating behaviors in your relationship. It's clear you care deeply for your partner and want to find solutions. While avoidance can be challenging, growth is possible. Try to remain patient and let your partner know you are there for them, even when they pull away. 
Fearful Avoidant Deactivating Meaning

An In-Depth Guide to Anxiety Group Discussion Questions

I understand your anxiety feels overwhelming right now. Many people struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings, so you are not alone. Anxiety is very treatable through counselling, lifestyle changes, and support from loved ones. I know it's hard, but try to stay hopeful. Things can get better with time and consistency. 
Anxiety Group Discussion Meaning

73 Hobbies for men in their 20s: A Guide to Unleash Your Creativity

From the thrill of outdoor adventures to the calmness of creative pursuits, there's no shortage of activities for men in their twenties to explore. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best hobbies for men in their 20s, guaranteed to bring excitement, fulfilment, and a sense of accomplishment to their lives.
hobbies for men in their 20s