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Dealing With an Emotionally Unavailable Father and Learn How to Heal and Move Forward

Emotional unavailability in fathers often stems from generations of dysfunctional familial patterns. If a dad lacked affection and emotional support as a child, he likely internalized that emotional neglect is ordinary. Trauma, mental illness, rigid gender roles, and other factors also prevent dads from tuning into children’s feelings.
Emotionally Unavailable Father

The bond between a father and child profoundly shapes one’s self-image and ability to form secure attachments. Unfortunately, many dads remain emotionally unavailable to their children, stunting their development. An emotionally unavailable father struggles to connect with and respond to his children’s emotional needs.

While physically present, he is psychologically detached and aloof in nurturing his child. The impacts of this distant father-child relationship ripple into adulthood, necessitating healing and conscious change. This discussion will examine the causes, effects, and strategies for overcoming an emotionally absent paternal figure.

Understand the Basic Concepts of the Generational Cycle of Neglect

Emotional unavailability in fathers often stems from generations of dysfunctional familial patterns. If a dad lacked affection and emotional support as a child, he likely internalized that emotional neglect is ordinary. Trauma, mental illness, rigid gender roles, and other factors also prevent dads from tuning into children’s feelings.

They may avoid meaningful conversations, shrug off displays of emotion, prioritize work over family time, or belittle their child’s wants. With emotional needs unmet, children receive the message their feelings don’t matter – they are unimportant.

The consequences of growing up with an emotionally unavailable father include chronic low self-esteem, difficulty identifying and expressing emotions, fear of intimacy, anger issues, depression, and seeking external validation.

Children blame themselves for not earning their father’s love and affection. These attachment wounds and underlying beliefs about unworthiness persist into adulthood. However, healing is possible.

Through individual and group discussion, establishing boundaries, inner child work, finding reliable emotional support systems, and practicing self-love and forgiveness, one can overcome the absence of an unaffectionate father.

The path is challenging but necessary to break dysfunctional intergenerational cycles. With commitment and compassion for oneself, those with emotionally absent fathers can build the fulfilling relationships and lives they deserve.

What Does It Mean to Have an Emotionally Unavailable Father?

An emotionally unavailable father struggles to connect with his children on an emotional level. He may be physically present, but his mind and heart are distant. Rather than offering comfort, guidance, validation, and affection, these fathers are aloof, critical, impatient, or dismissive.

For fathers, this manifests as aloofness regarding their children’s emotional lives and inner worlds. Emotionally unavailable fathers create distance rather than engage in vulnerable conversations. Their children’s bids for attention, affection, and guidance go overlooked or rebuffed.

Factors Contributing to Emotional Unavailability

Several factors contribute to a dad’s emotional detachment from fatherhood. Many emotionally absent fathers grew up lacking affection themselves. If their parents dismissed feelings as unimportant, they likely internalize emotional numbness as usual.

Unresolved childhood trauma also commonly blocks emotional availability – abuse survivors may subconsciously distance themselves from their children to cope.

Some fathers refuse emotional intimacy due to rigid views of masculinity.

Expressing care openly contradicts their warped sense of strength. Additionally, prior relationship losses may convince dads that opening up leads to hurt, fueling avoidance.

Cultural norms pressuring men to be providers alone and minimizing involved fathering further enable emotional absence.

Causes and Factors - Emotionally Unavailable Father

Why Are Some Fathers Emotionally Distant?

In many cases, emotionally unavailable fathers grew up missing the tools needed for intimacy themselves. Their parents likely modeled emotional neglect, substance abuse, violence, or other dysfunctional coping mechanisms. Without intervention, these behaviors become generational.

Some additional reasons dads remain distanced include:

Trauma they haven’t resolved

Unresolved emotional trauma like abuse or neglect in childhood often emotionally stunts fathers and impedes maturity. This lingering pain from their pasts can cause fathers to isolate themselves emotionally or turn to substances as an unhealthy coping mechanism.

Fathers who haven’t addressed trauma tend to re-live their pain through emotional distance and struggle to connect with the present moment, let alone emotionally, to be available for their children.

They require therapeutic intervention to process these past wounds before they can become fully present fathers. However, many avoid or feel ashamed of getting professional help and instead perpetuate cycles of dysfunction rooted in their childhoods.

Mental health issues

Mental health conditions like depression, PTSD, narcissism, schizoid personality disorder, and more can cause fathers to detach from family roles and relationships profoundly. These issues distort thinking, emotions, and perceptions in ways that make consistent emotional availability very difficult.

Fathers struggling with mental illness often feel worthless isolated, and avoid meaningful connections out of a sense of unlovability. Patterns like narcissism can manifest in a lack of empathy and excessive self-focus. Mental health problems can indeed hinder a father’s ability to be present and engaged.

Insecurity about manhood stereotypes

Some men cling to stereotypes that being stoic, aggressive, and achievement-driven makes one manly. This causes them to deny vulnerability and avoid emotional intimacy with family. They feel uncomfortable expressing affection and believe maintaining an emotional distance makes them strong providers.

However, suppressing emotions is unhealthy long-term, regardless of cultural standards of masculinity. These fathers need help challenging notions that ignoring family bonds makes them ideal patriarchs. Expressing love and being present requires more strength.

Focus on providing alone

Cultural pressures often convince fathers that solely financially providing for the family equals good fathering, preventing them from recognizing children also need emotional connections. This leads to over-emphasis on bread-winning to the exclusion of quality time and engagement.

However, children thrive when both physical and emotional needs are met. Expanding fathers’ views on parental duties beyond being a “good provider” allows for more well-rounded nurturing.

Social support helps fathers realize emotional and physical needs are equally important. With encouragement, fathers can learn to balance being present and providing and embracing a more holistic parental role. They need help recognizing that money alone does not equal love in a child’s eyes.

Lack of self-awareness:

Emotionally absent fathers often lack self-awareness about their distancing behaviors and issues. They cannot reflect on how their actions damage family bonds, frequently blaming work, their spouse, or fate for emotional unavailability instead. However, developing insight into their avoidance patterns and motivations for those patterns is foundational for change.

As they understand their inner lives, they position themselves to take responsibility. This self-knowledge combats denial and Victim narratives, empowering fathers to pursue better relationships.

Fear of failure:

Some emotionally distant fathers subconsciously fear getting close because they dread letting their children down. Their avoidance stems from worry they cannot live up to ideals of fatherhood if they open up. However, a total emotional shutdown serves no one. They discover vulnerability and allow more meaningful bonds.

Perfection is impossible, but showing up is what matters. As fathers challenge beliefs that avoiding connection protects from failure, they can embrace imperfection and engage more fully, even if messy. Progress, not perfection, counts.

Coping Mechanisms for Dealing with an Emotionally Unavailable Father

Signs of Emotionally Unavailable Father

Some signs of an emotionally absent dad include:

1. Dismissive of feelings

An emotionally unavailable father completely disregards and brushes off your expressions of emotion and needs. He ignores you when you try to share your feelings, acting like they don’t matter. This leaves you feeling unheard, invalidated, and invisible. You learn not to confide in him about personal emotional matters.

2. Aloof and distant

An aloof father maintains distance emotionally and does not make efforts to connect with you genuinely. He comes across as detached, unavailable, and closed off. You feel a barrier in the relationship and he is not fully engaged. He keeps conversations surface-level and struggles with emotional intimacy.

3. Uninvolved in your life

A reserved father takes very little interest in the details of your life and day-to-day experiences. He does not know or ask about what is happening with you, your interests, hobbies, friends, achievements, challenges, etc. He stays wholly uninvolved and on the sidelines rather than being engaged and participatory.

4. Poor listener

When you talk to a disengaged father, you feel like you are not being fully heard or understood. He seems distracted and does not actively listen, ask questions, or follow up in conversation. Interactions feel one-sided rather than a two-way dialogue. You do not feel you can open up.

5. Criticizes more than encourages

A closed-off father is likelier to give negative feedback and criticism than positive encouragement. His reactions focus on what you are doing wrong rather than praising your efforts. You feel deflated rather than inspired around him.

6. Quick to anger

An unaffectionate father has a short fuse and is prone to getting irritated, frustrated, and angry very quickly. This creates a tense living environment where you feel like you have to walk on eggshells to avoid setting him off. Anger seems always simmering under the surface.

7. Not emotionally supportive

A distant and unloving father does not provide emotional support or comfort when you are struggling with challenges or feeling upset. You cannot open up to him for reassurance, guidance, empathy, or hope. He is unavailable when you need emotional soothing.

8. Unreliable

A remote father frequently breaks commitments, lets you down, and cannot be relied upon consistently. His unreliability leads to disappointment and prevents you from depending on him. Any plans feel tentative with him.

9. Prioritizes work over family

An emotionally unavailable father prioritizes his work obligations and demands above family time. He seems preoccupied with his job and unavailable both physically and emotionally for family activities, needs, and moments.

10. Rarely says “I love you.”

A guarded father rarely expresses affection in words. Saying “I love you” happens infrequently, if ever, contributing to the relationship feeling cold and distant. Verbal affirmation is very limited.

11. Does not express pride in you

A non-supportive father does not outwardly express pride, satisfaction, or delight in your accomplishments, big or small. You feel invisible like your efforts go unnoticed. All you want is his validation.

12. Avoids difficult conversations

A withdrawn father completely shuts down or backs away when difficult emotional conversations arise. He avoids engaging in sensitive issues, leaving problems and tensions unresolved.

13. Sarcastic and mocking

An unresponsive father frequently uses humor, sarcasm, or mocking to keep you at arm’s length rather than drawing you close. His tone prevents emotional intimacy and vulnerability. You don’t feel safe opening up.

14. Does not offer comfort

A neglectful father does not provide comfort or emotional/physical reassurance when you are feeling hurt, disappointed, or upset. He withholds hugs, soothing words, and emotional support.

15. Acts superior and arrogant

A stoic father interacts in an arrogant, superior, “know it all” manner that highlights his arrogance versus showing care and concern. This pushes you away rather than drawing you close.

16. Self-focused

Conversations with an emotionally unavailable father revolve around him and his interests/life. Your needs, feelings, and experiences go ignored mainly unless they relate to him somehow.

17. Conditional affection

A cold-hearted father’s love and approval feel conditional upon meeting specific standards rather than being unconditional. His regard is based on actions, not inherent worth.

18. Gaslights you

A detached father questions or denies your perceptions, memories, or emotions that don’t align with his experience. This leads you to constantly second guess your reality and self-perceptions.

19. Stonewalls during conflict

When disagreements arise, an emotionally unavailable father shuts down emotionally and refuses to communicate further. He stonewalls, leaving conflicts unresolved and you feeling frustrated.

20. Abuses substances

A distant father’s abuse of alcohol, drugs, etc., severely impacts his emotional availability, reliability, and mood stability. Chaos rules the home.

This father-child relationship, lacking nurture and safety, can hinder emotional development. Their children often feel neglected, lonely, responsible for the parent’s issues, and develop insecure attachment styles. Overall, these fathers are physically present but emotionally checked out.

The most salient traits of emotionally unavailable dads include:

  • Dismissing the importance of emotions
  • Struggling to express affection, pride, support
  • Suppressing uncomfortable feelings like sadness or vulnerability
  • Relying more on authoritarianism versus nurture
  • Prioritizing work, substances, and technology over family bonds
  • Frequently letting children down or abandoning them
  • Belittling a child’s feelings instead of listening with empathy

Thus, emotional unavailability refers to a father’s dismissal and avoidance of intimate connection with his children. Though multi-faceted, it often stems from dysfunctional generational patterns and rigid gender norms. Recognizing the signs of an emotionally absent dad is the first step to overcoming the resultant trauma.

Effects Emotionally Unavailable Fathers have on Children

An emotionally unavailable father can profoundly damage a child’s immediate and long-term emotional health and behaviors. The lack of secure attachment and affirmation from a parent meant to be a source of unconditional love leaves deep wounds.

Fathers who consistently fail to attend to their children’s feelings convey those feelings are unimportant. This dismissal hinders a child’s ability to process emotions, develop self-worth, and form healthy relationships.

Emotional Wounds from Father’s Rejection

The lack of affection from an emotionally unavailable father leaves children with deep feelings of worthlessness, powerlessness, and loneliness.

Constantly longing for the father’s love mingles with repressed anger at his neglect. Emotional neglect teaches children their feelings don’t matter – they must bottle them up to survive.

Hindered Emotional Development

Children of unaffectionate fathers often struggle to identify and communicate their feelings healthily. They frequently develop low self-esteem and lack an inherent sense of self-worth. This hinders their ability to form intimacy and connect meaningfully in relationships.

Trouble Relating to Peers

The inability to identify and communicate their feelings healthily hinders children of emotionally unavailable fathers from relating to and connecting with peers.

They struggle to form close friendships and interact socially. Often, these emotionally neglected kids isolate themselves, feeling too damaged and different for meaningful connection with others their age.

Their unmet emotional needs make it challenging to engage socially beyond a surface level. Lacking a model of empathy and emotional communication from their fathers, these children frequently withdraw out of a sense of shame and unworthiness.

Seeking External Validation

Children of emotionally unavailable fathers often desperately seek external validation from friends, romantic partners, and others to make up for the lack of affirmation from their fathers.

Having learned from their fathers’ neglect that they have no inherent self-worth or value, these children chase after sources of validation and praise outside the home.

They may become people-pleasers, obsessively seeking approval. Or they may find themselves in dangerous romantic relationships, hoping to receive the love their fathers denied them finally. Either way, the lack of a stable source of affection from dad leaves these children sadly learning they have no value apart from external validation.

Lack of Empathy and Conflict Resolution

Studies show a startling 70% of bullies grew up with emotionally unavailable parents. Without proper modeling and mirroring from their fathers on how to relate to others, these children lack appropriate empathy and conflict-resolution skills.

They never learned from their fathers how to understand another person’s feelings, make compromises, or resolve disagreements healthily.

This significantly hinders their ability to develop meaningful friendships and handle interpersonal problems. Having grown up in an emotionally neglectful home, these children often turn to bullying and aggression to exert control and gain the attention they crave, propagating cycles of abuse.

Increased Risk of Addiction

Studies demonstrate that parental emotional neglect triples a child’s risk of later drug or alcohol addiction. Lacking a stable source of love and support, these children often turn to substance abuse to numb their pain and loneliness.

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

In the absence of parental affection, children develop unhealthy coping mechanisms like sexual promiscuity, self-harm, overeating, and even violence. These become maladaptive ways to exert control or gain fleeting feelings of comfort and human connection.

Anxiety and Depression

Daughters of unaffectionate fathers frequently develop clinically significant issues like anxiety disorders and depression later in life. The emotional neglect in childhood leaves lasting scars of low self-worth and hopelessness.

Anger Issues

Sons of emotionally absent fathers often harbor anger and control issues that create problems in relationships and parenting and lead to run-ins with the law. They replicated their father’s emotional unavailability.

Relationship Instability

Across genders, growing up with an emotionally unavailable father impedes one’s ability to develop love, trust, and stability in romantic relationships. The lack of modeling healthy attachment as a child sabotages intimacy.

Smaller Social Circles

The isolation and social unease that stems from childhood emotional neglect frequently persist into adulthood. Many adults still feel different and damaged, keeping social circles small.

Stunted Careers

Chronic lack of self-confidence and belief in oneself – ingrained from childhood – stalls careers. Adults struggle with self-doubt, limiting professional progression.

Marital Struggles

Marriages often crumble as emotional intimacy proves frightening or mysteriously impossible for those raised by unavailable fathers. Childhood neglect sabotages adult bonds.

Ongoing Need for Therapy

Therapy often becomes necessary to address depressive symptoms, buried anger, and abandonment issues – still ever-present from childhood emotional neglect. The work is ongoing.

Sad Yearning for the Bond That Never Was

A simmering existential sadness lingers over never receiving the parental love deserved. Adults forever yearn for the fatherly bond that should have been.

In short, emotional neglect from fathers has profound psychosocial consequences extending into adulthood. However, with compassionate understanding and professional support, one can rewrite damaging generational patterns.

The wounds of an unavailable dad heal when children learn, at their core, that they are worthy of love.

Stories of Transformation Personal Accounts of Healing - Emotionally Unavailable Father

Case Studies and Personal Stories About Emotionally Unavailable Fathers

Sarah, now 32, describes her father as a “tyrant” growing up. “He exerted control through yelling and criticism. Any emotion I showed–fear, sadness, anger–got dismissed as weakness,” she shares. Punishment was harsh for the most minor infractions.

Rarely did he offer praise, comfort, or affection. Sarah suppressed her feelings to avoid “setting him off,” spiraling into severe depression and an eating disorder by adolescence. In adulthood, she struggles to trust others, grapples with low self-worth, and feels disconnected from her emotions.

James, 41, calls his upbringing a “success story on paper”–a wealthy family, prestigious education, and high-paying job. However, his parents were rigid and distant. “The message was clear: my accomplishments defined my worth,” he explains.

“I never really felt seen.” James battles intense loneliness and burnout and treats relationships like transactions. He easily detaches from partners and maintains no close friendships. However, he refuses to confront his feelings–a lesson ingrained since childhood.

In contrast, Amelia, now 24, found healing from her detached father by moving abroad after college. “I was away from the pain and expectations of home. I had space to reflect,” she says. She discovered new communities offering the warmth she missed growing up.

Through therapy, Amelia unearthed anger suppressed since girlhood and realized her worth. “I’m finally mourning who I needed my father to be,” she remarks. While scars remain, Amelia feels more grounded, voices her needs, and nurtures herself–skills absent from her dad.

These narratives demonstrate the diversity of outcomes for adults with unavailable fathers. Some, like Sarah, exhibit severe symptoms–depression, addiction, and chronic relationship conflicts.

Others resemble James, functioning highly externally while denying unmet emotional needs. Amelia’s case shows healing can follow self-awareness, distance from toxicity, and professional support. The path ahead varies based on one’s specific experiences and resources.

However, all children of detached fathers can create purpose and connection. Though wounded, their capacity for joy and intimacy stays intact, able to emerge when shown the deserving care their fathers could not provide.

Coping Strategies for Children of Emotionally Unavailable Fathers

Though painful, emotionally absent fathers need not destroy one’s future happiness. While professional help is critical, building community support and practicing self-care bolsters resilience.

Therapy provides the necessary space to acknowledge feelings about your father safely. His treatment of you reflected his limitations – not your worth.

Support groups connect you with others facing similar struggles. Shared experiences foster understanding – you are not alone. Twelve-step meetings help where substance abuse occurs. Overall, professional assistance teaches the vulnerability and emotional intelligence your father could not model.

Beyond therapy, cultivating your “chosen family” offers care missing from your upbringing. Platonic, romantic, and community relationships feed your soul. Be judicious in choosing friends and partners who are responsibly attuned to feelings and dedicate time to nourish the bond.

Activities like journaling, art, yoga, and meditation allow you to know yourself apart from your father’s neglect. Movements supporting survivors of dysfunctional families remind you of your inner resilience. While painful, rewriting your childhood narrative empowers thriving now.

Coping Strategies for Emotionally Unavailable Fathers

Becoming an emotionally available father begins with acknowledging the problem. Notice if your child ceases confiding in you, seems anxious in your presence, or constantly vies for your attention. Listen when loved ones identify your distance.

Consider seeking a therapist’s objective perspective to understand your limitations. The most critical change happens internally – the choice to value emotional presence.

With awareness, commit to professional help and self-work. Find a counselor specializing in family dysfunction and masculine identity. Support groups connect you with other fathers striving for intimacy.

Address any addictions numbing you from discomfort. Healing your past wounds is the only route to breaking generational trauma. Be patient with yourself and trust the incremental growth.

Strengthening the bond with your child also requires openness. Have vulnerable discussions together, validating their emotions. Apologize for any past failures, but focus on changed behavior now.

Ask how to support them best currently – then consistently follow through. Emotionally connect over shared activities. Continually express your love, involvement, and pride in who they are beyond accomplishments.

Breaking the Cycle

Ending the generational cycle of emotional unavailability starts with self-awareness. Fathers must recognize when their childhood wounds or rigid gender beliefs block connection. Trauma or weakness do not excuse inflicting emotional neglect on your child.

Preventive strategies include therapy addressing personal limitations and embracing nurturing fatherhood. Make bonding with children a priority – more than material providing.

Model healthy emotional expression for kids. Give them space to share feelings without judgment. Seek parenting groups promoting active listening and empathy. Support and accountability strengthen follow-through.

Open, warm communication allows emotion to flow freely between father and child. Regularly vocalize pride and affection. Have gentle conversations about stressors and validate their reality.

Admit your mistakes and limitations as their father – showing humanity fosters trust. Maintain emotional availability, even when inconvenient. Breaking generational curses requires intention, humility, and perseverance.

Unresolved Issues from Past Relationships

Overcoming the Impacts of an Emotionally Unavailable Father

The wounds can feel deep, but there are ways to move forward:

Seek Individual Counseling

Therapy helps build self-esteem separate from your father’s treatment of you. You also learn coping strategies for residual anxiety, anger, grief, and relationship struggles.

Attend Support Groups

Group therapy connects you with others who understand firsthand the challenges of an unaffectionate father. Shared stories build a sense of community and belonging.

Establish Boundaries

Set clear expectations for current interactions with your father. Limit time/energy spent attempting to change him. Distance yourself if needed.

Practice Self-Compassion

Shift from self-blame to extending yourself the kindness your father didn’t. Understand you are worthy of love.

Release Anger and Resentment

Bottling up angry feelings maintains an attachment to your father’s emotional unavailability. Develop healthy outlets like exercise or mindfulness techniques.

Find Emotional Intimacy Elsewhere

Seek emotionally available, compassionate friends and partners. Prioritize people who help you feel secure.

Become Your Own Nurturing Parent

Provide your inner child what your father couldn’t – acceptance, affection, reassurance. Imagine converging with your younger self.

Forgive Your Father

Forgiveness is empowering and freeing. Understand the limitations of his upbringing and humanity without condoning. Wish him peace.

Reflections on My Experience with an Emotionally Unavailable Father

My father, though physically present, struggled to connect with me emotionally throughout childhood. Satisfying his rigid expectations always took priority over any needs I had.

Rather than offering comfort during hard times, his typical response was “toughen up.” On the rare occasions I built the courage to share vulnerable feelings, he grew dismissive or uncomfortable. I learned early on to bottle up my emotions.

This led me to suppress my needs in relationships as an adult. I became terrified of intimacy yet desperate to earn love and validation. I sought mentor figures and partners to fill the void left by my father’s distance.

For years, I believed deep down I was unworthy of affection. I struggled to identify or express my feelings healthily. Abandonment and rejection haunted me.

Through counseling, I’ve confronted my childhood wounds. I’ve found connection and belonging in close friends that model secure attachment. I’m actively re-parenting myself with compassion. And I’ve made peace with my father’s limitations.

The journey isn’t linear, but it is possible to shed intergenerational burdens and live wholeheartedly. My experience brings you some solace. You have the power to shape your future, regardless of your past.

Last Words on Emotionally Unavailable Fathers

In closing, emotionally unavailable fathers damage their children’s immediate and lifelong well-being enormously. The lack of modeled love, guidance, and availability hinders a child’s ability to process emotions, develop self-esteem, and build relationships. Effects like depression, addiction, anger issues, fear of intimacy, and chronic low self-worth often persist into adulthood.

However, healing is possible through courageous self-reflection, professional support, and conscious change. Emotionally absent fathers can become nurturing with therapy addressing personal limitations and emphasizing connection with children.

Their children can rewrite negative narratives by processing pain, finding community, and cultivating self-love – any attachment wounds reflect the father’s shortcomings alone, not one’s value.

Society plays a role by dismantling rigid ideals about fatherhood and supporting therapeutic, legislative, and cultural practices fostering involved, emotionally open dads. We must have grace for generational and systemic ills while demanding better for the next generation.

With work, the father-child relationship can be redeemed to bring mutual growth rather than inherited trauma. We all inherently long for and deserve love. Though challenging, healing emotionally unavailable paternal bonds is a worthy act of courage and compassion. May we disrupt past pains and build the families we need.

Common signs include difficulty expressing affection or emotions, avoiding meaningful conversations, constantly disappointing or abandoning children, being detached or dismissive when children express vulnerability, and prioritizing things like work over family connections.

Causes can include: Growing up with their own emotionally unavailable father. Unresolved childhood traumas. Struggling with mental health issues like depression. Having a warped sense of masculinity. Generational cycles of emotional neglect within families.

Daughters often feel unworthy of love and develop low self-esteem. They may struggle with depression, anxiety, anger outbursts, eating disorders, early sexual activity, and forming secure romantic attachments in adulthood.

Yes, having an emotionally abusive or overly critical father can also cause “daddy issues.” The term refers to attachment wounds or dysfunctional relationship patterns that form when a father fails to provide sufficient emotional nurturing and support.
