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Narcissist Checklist: How to Spot a Narcissist

With narcissistic personality disorder on the rise, the ability to recognize narcissists before getting entangled in unhealthy dynamics empowers and protects. This checklist aims to illuminate narcissism’s specific traits and impacts – serving as an insightful resource for identifying narcissists and limiting their influence.
Narcissist Checklist

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a constant need for admiration and affirmation. Those suffering from NPD typically exhibit arrogance and a sense of entitlement, often taking advantage of others for personal gain.

They crave validation but have trouble forming genuine connections and relationships. Ultimately, the egocentrism of the narcissist hides profound insecurity and vulnerability.

Recognizing narcissism can be challenging. Narcissists often initially charm with confidence and charisma. As relationships progress, however, their self-absorption and exploitation become more apparent through manipulation, put-downs, gaslighting, and other means. Those involved with a narcissist can become caught in a cycle of idealization, devaluation, and abuse – which takes a significant psychological toll.

Distinguishing average confidence from narcissistic tendencies requires an ability to identify key behavioral warning signs. Thus, this is the impetus for this narcissist checklist guide.

The purpose is to provide a comprehensive diagnostic tool to detect narcissistic traits across various life domains and types of interpersonal relationships.

The guide outlines the hallmark attributes of narcissism through a Symbology system, building awareness of narcissistic patterns to safeguard emotional health and well-being.

With narcissistic personality disorder on the rise, the ability to recognize narcissists before getting entangled in unhealthy dynamics empowers and protects.

This checklist aims to illuminate narcissism’s specific traits and impacts – serving as an insightful resource for identifying narcissists and limiting their influence.

The Diagnostic Criteria and Common Traits of Narcissism

To understand the core features of narcissism, it is helpful to review the formal clinical diagnosis. The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) provides the following criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD):

  • Grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, beauty, or ideal love
  • Belief in being special and unique
  • Requirement of excessive admiration
  • Sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment
  • Exploitation of relationships for personal gain
  • Lack of empathy and unwillingness to recognize others’ needs
  • Envy of others and believe others envy them
  • Arrogant, haughty attitudes and behaviors

At least 5 symptoms must persist for diagnosis, manifested across relationships and settings. Those with clinical NPD typically struggle to establish genuine connections, as their superficial charm gives way to self-serving agendas, a sense of privilege, and dismissiveness towards others.

Beyond the diagnostic classification, narcissism exists on a spectrum. Narcissistic tendencies are characterized by:

  • Inflated ego and overt confidence
  • Perfectionism and intolerance of criticism
  • Social charisma and magnetism
  • Lack of reliability and follow-through
  • Focus on personal competence and success
  • Fragile self-esteem requiring external validation
  • Lack of empathy and exploitation of others
  • Feelings of envy and belief in deserved glory

What sets pathological narcissism apart from typical confidence? The critical differentiator ties to empathy. While narcissists can display social graces, these ultimately serve underlying egocentrism. By contrast, authentic self-assurance coexists with caring interpersonal attunement.

Genuine high achievers take quiet pride in hard work. Narcissists crave loud recognition of innate superiority. Leadership ability also contrasts – influential leaders remain open, accountable, and interested in others’ development. Narcissistic bosses center their status and demands.

In relationships, narcissists feel entitled to special treatment, over-the-top praise, and accommodation. Actual care engenders mutual fulfillment, compromise, and respect for separate needs.

Understanding these distinctions helps identify inflated self-importance versus authentic positive self-image. The narcissist checklist provides a guide to navigating these nuances.

Key Behavioral Indicators of Narcissism

Several hallmark interpersonal behaviors characterize narcissism. These manifestations tie closely to the underlying narcissistic worldview centered around inflated self-worth, a sense of entitlement, and a lack of empathy. Major red flags to look for include:

1. Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance

Narcissists carry themselves with an air of superiority. They overstate their talents, credentials, and achievements. They self-promote at every chance. Such self-inflation stems from underlying insecurity – needing to seem special compensates for emotional fragility.

In conversation, narcissists redirect topics to highlight their purported insights and accomplishments. They name-drop elite contacts to emphasize well-connectedness. Requests for realistic self-appraisal typically meet defensiveness or contempt.

2. Craving Recognition and Admiration

Narcissists have a pronounced need for validation. They crave applause, flattery, and adoration for talents and virtues – real or imagined. However, social approval never fully satiates their emptiness.

Initially, narcissists shower affection on those reflecting their grandiosity at them. But inevitably, they dispose of people who fail to provide continued reinforcement. Their emotional survival depends on external validation.

3. Pompous Superiority and Arrogance

Flowing from over-inflation, narcissists act superior and privileged. Rules seemingly apply only to mere mortals. What red tape they can’t evade outright, they expect others to circumvent on their behalf.

Innovation often stems from challenging assumptions – but not all convention warrants disregard. Narcissists routinely throw codes of conduct, organizational norms, and respectful discourse out the window. Everyone else fails to grasp their special exemption.

4. Lack of Reliability and Follow-Through

Grand schemes beguile narcissists. The meticulous follow-through needed for implementation bores them. Visionaries morph into flakey collaborators. Promises give way to excuses.

Narcissists also appropriate credit freely. They trumpet ideas loudly but leave working out tedious details to underlings. Cutting corners fuels self-promotion without real accountability. Why hand the grunt work to another when claiming glory as innovator extraordinaire works so well?

5. Devaluation, Exploitation, and Envy of Others

Narcissism impedes genuine emotional connection. Relationships get framed as transactional – other people satisfy needs or gratify egos and then suffer dismissal. Narcissists devalue intimates lacking continued usefulness.

Mistreatment also manifests professionally. Narcissistic bosses shame employees publicly. They steal subordinates’ insights while assigning blame downward for failures. Credit flows up; accountability cascades down.

These exploitative tendencies also foster envy. Narcissists deserve the finest perks. Seeing colleagues excel evokes resentment – and efforts to sabotage perceived rivals.

6. Emotional Manipulation and Coercion

Skilled emotional manipulation lets narcissists maneuver situations and relationships to suit themselves. Methods include:

  • Flattery: Extravagant praise and mirroring to endear and disarm
  • Silent treatment: Sulking and withdrawing affection as punishment
  • Gaslighting: Distorting reality to confuse victims’ perceptions
  • Character assassination: Maliciously devaluing victims to alter public opinion

Such tactics keep intimates walking on eggshells. The manipulation sows enough uncertainty to prevent confrontation of egregious conduct. Not all narcissists use overt aggression – subterfuge makes a potent weapon, too.

7. Sense of Entitlement and Lack of Accountability

Narcissists adhere steadfastly to double standards. They break the rules freely but bristle at the slightest objections to their behavior raised by others. They step on subordinates without a second thought but grow enraged at even gentle, constructive criticism from above.

Narcissists also pass the buck habitually. Nothing gets shouldered as personal responsibility. Screwups bring excuses, justifications, and convenient scapegoats – never sincere apologies or improvement pledges in the future. Their privilege precludes fallibility in their minds.

Keeping alert for these glaring red flags provides vital detection tools for identifying narcissists before emotionally investing. The narcissism checklist encapsulates key danger signs to reveal usually hidden self-absorption.

Behavioral Indicators Narcissist Checklist

The Phases and Impacts of Relationships with Narcissists

Narcissists follow predictable relationship patterns. Getting drawn in by initial charm makes recognizing narcissists difficult. But as bonds progress, self-centered motives emerge through a cycle of idealization, devaluation, and discard.

1. Love Bombing and Idealization

During romantic courtships or in new friendships, narcissists lavish affection through a tactic called love bombing. They shower praise and gifts demonstrating they are your “soulmate” or “best friend ever.” This makes you feel appreciated and hopeful for depth in the developing bond.

In reality, narcissists build connections through manipulation, not genuine care. Love bombing hooks people into providing a narcissistic supply – the admiration and validation narcissists crave. Their “perfect partner” facade conceals a self-serving agenda to keep that supply flowing.

2. Devaluation and Degradation

Once relationships stabilize, the love bombing and charm dissipates. As the expectations for validation heighten beyond sustainable levels, narcissists begin devaluing their partners.

The criticisms and contempt may surprise intimate partners. Narcissists start dismissing even well-intentioned gestures. Supposedly, endearing quirks become “annoying habits” overnight.

Partners often bend over backward, trying to regain lost affection. But the degradation continues steadily, leaving partners devastated. Victims get treated as disposable sources of supply, not fellow humans with needs.

3. Lack of Emotional and Physical Intimacy

Despite posturing sexually or romantically alluring at the outset, narcissists struggle with genuine intimacy and commitment long-term. Their inner fragility obstructs deep bonds that require vulnerability.

Overt narcissists lose interest sexually after initial conquests, giving way to expectations for attentiveness and daily nurturing. Cerebral narcissists enjoy physical release but quickly bore discussing emotions.

Partners who endure criticism and coldness inevitably detach – at which point narcissists often retaliate with infidelity or abandonment. Intimacy issues inevitably surface across relationship configurations.

4. Infidelity and Adultery as a Sense of Entitlement

With intimacy deficits comes profound entitlement. Narcissists view sexual variety as their due – substantive relating means little relative to ego gratification through fresh conquests.

Double standards apply brazenly. Narcissists fly into rages if partners dare entertain outside flirtations. Yet they meanwhile justify their infidelity as a necessary outlet for unmet needs – needs that no one woman or man could fulfill completely. Partners are expected to accept affairs as part of the deal.

This cycle of idealization, devaluation, and betrayal constitutes narcissistic abuse. The narcissism checklist empowers targets to detect these patterns before spending years rationalizing inexcusable conduct. Recognizing narcissists early helps victims avoid blaming themselves endlessly for dysfunctional relationship dynamics.

How Narcissism Manifests Across Relationship Domains

Beyond romantic bonds, narcissism also impacts friendships, family life, workplace relations, and leadership effectiveness. Recognizing manifestations across contexts empowers those involved to set healthy boundaries.

1. Narcissism in Friendships

Signs of narcissism in friends include:

  • Friendship revolving around the narcissist’s needs exclusively
  • Lack of interest in your life and struggles
  • Competitiveness and envy of your successes
  • Social exclusion or diversion of joint friends to isolate you
  • Gossip, lies and betrayal to improve social standing
  • Bullying behavior masked as “just joking around”

Narcissistic friends demand support in coping with crises but cannot show up for you emotionally. They also tend to be fair-weather friends – withdrawing when convenient, then circling back once bored or needing resources.

2. Narcissism in Family Dynamics

Narcissistic parents often exhibit:

  • Demanding perfect academic/extracurricular performance
  • Demeaning children publically for typical mistakes
  • Emotional neglect and lack of affection/praise
  • Financial manipulation around support/inheritance to control grown children

Narcissistic children frequently display the following:

  • Manipulation of parents through guilt, threats, silence
  • Feigning helplessness to force parents into servile roles
  • Squandering of family resources on status symbols
  • Scapegoating siblings as inferior to highlight their specialness

Family roles get subsumed into feeding individual narcissistic supply needs versus fostering collective well-beingwell-being.

3. Narcissism in Work Environments

Coworkers with narcissistic traits:

  • Seek visibility for achievements while blaming others for failures
  • Take credit for team efforts without sharing spotlights
  • Network aggressively for internal promotions based on politics, not merit

Narcissistic bosses additionally:

  • Publicly shame employees for minor missteps
  • Force subordinates to work unreasonable hours
  • Fire personnel abruptly without explanation
  • Solicit excessive flattery and validation

High turnover, low morale, and interpersonal tensions characterize teams under narcissistic supervision. Learning to spot entitled, authoritarian, and demeaning leadership helps avoid unhealthy professional environments.

4. Narcissism in Leadership Roles

Whether directing small teams or entire organizations, narcissists in senior positions present profound risks through:

  • Rash decision-making without input from experts
  • Squashing constructive criticism from brave subordinates
  • Surrounding themselves with sycophantic “yes men”
  • Taking credit for successes; blaming junior staff or situational factors for failures
  • Reacting vengefully to perceived slights or challenges to authority

Grandiose visions get prioritized at the expense of mutual goal-setting informed by staff insights. Vulnerable employees fear reprisal for voicing concerns – creating cultures of dishonesty versus accountability.

As the narcissism checklists highlight, context may differ, but core narcissistic behaviors manifest similarly across settings. Recognizing these patterns allows targets to establish self-protective boundaries against manipulation and mistreatment.

Devastating Effects Narcissist Checklist

The Devastating Effects of Narcissistic Exploitation

Narcissists leave trails of damage through their entitlement and Callous disregard. The underlying trauma stems from the pronounced betrayal seeded by initial hope. Victims bear genuine desires for connection only to encounter manipulation wearing an intimate facade.

Acute emotional injury and its psychological impacts demand awareness to foster recovery. Key effects include:

1. Emotional Trauma and Depression

Narcissists soul-strip victims methodically through conditioning fluctuating reward and punishment. The conditioning triggers neurotransmitter changes that physically alter the ability to self-regulate mood. Targets suffer profound uncertainty as emotional shelter gets ripped away unrelentingly.

Depression often follows as victims mourn dreamscapes destroyed by the narcissist’s false self. Grieving lost hope accompanies the utter disorientation wrought by exploitation from an ostensible caretaker. When attacks come from trusted partners, the knife cuts deepest – and healing requires intensive recovery work.

2. PTSD and Anxiety from Psychological Abuse

The narcissist’s devaluation and gaslighting can shatter victims’ fundamental assumptions about relationships and personal values. The ensuing detachment from reality, hypervigilance, and flashbacks mirror post-traumatic stress disorder.

Lingering nervous system dysregulation also manifests through anxiety and panic disorders. The emotional hyperactivation gets triggered by circumstances evoking the narcissistic abuse. Mundane interactions suddenly flood victims with fear, responding to cues associated with former threats.

3. Isolation from Support Systems

Narcissistic machinations often target bonds beyond just the primary relationship. Narcissists sow division deliberately to deprive victims of outside validation or means to reality-check. They alienate victims from family and friends through slander or direct sabotage.

This isolation further immerses victims in warped relational patterns. Cut off from grounded perspectives; the abusive treatment gets reinforced as usual through gaslighting and indoctrination into the narcissist’s pathology.

4. Loss of Trust and Self-Blame

When shared reality unravels, victims doubt their instincts profoundly. Narcissists capitalize on this disorientation by projecting blame. They dismiss victims’ gently voiced needs, such as demanding whining. Victims learn to silence themselves rather than risk further shaming.

Confidence in discernment and self-concept slowly erodes. Victims habitually abandon their interests to appease the narcissist and avoid further wounding. This self-repudiation further ingrains the narcissist’s emotional domination and transactional worldview.

Healing requires relearning autonomous thinking and rebuilding intuition’s legitimacy. Recovery means recognizing projections handed down stem from the abuser’s limitations, not truths about victims’ unworthiness. Otherwise, unwarranted shame calcifies victimhood.

The impacts of narcissistic abuse cascade insidiously across mental, emotional, and social health spheres. Having the language to name this manipulation and articulate its harms helps victims reclaim agency. Healing happens gradually, but clarity of understanding speeds that transformation.

The Complete Narcissistic Personality Disorder Checklist

This comprehensive diagnostic tool synthesizes clinical criteria, common selfish behaviors, and their interpersonal impacts into an accessible framework. The checklist consolidates vital information to help identify unhealthy narcissism across its various manifestations.

Narcissistic Personality Diagnostic Criteria

Does this person exhibit 5 or more of the following traits and behaviors persistently, as evident in multiple interpersonal contexts and relationships?

☐ Grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement 

☐ Preoccupation with success, power, beauty, or ideal love fantasies
☐ Belief in being special and unique

☐ Requires excessive admiration
☐ Demonstrates a sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment
☐ Exploitation of relationships for personal gain 

☐ Lack of empathy and unwillingness to recognize others’ needs and feelings 

☐ Envious of others or believes others envy them 

☐ Displays arrogant, haughty attitudes and behaviors

Symptom Category Symbology Guide

Icons indicate which cluster of narcissistic traits manifest most prominently:

  Inflated Status: Grandiosity, entitlement, arrogance 

 Low Empathy: Exploitation, emotional negligence

 Excessive Adoration Needed: Validation-seeking, love-bombing

 Devaluing Attitudes: Contempt, envy, ingratitude  

The Narcissistic Personality Checklist

Based on the narcissistic traits and behaviors identified above, this checklist captures the full spectrum of manifestations.

Inflated Sense of Self / Status

☐ Boasts achievements and talents

☐ Drops names of elite contacts frequently 

☐ Acts impervious to rules and laws

☐ Disregards constructive criticism

☐ Blames others for failures and shortcomings  

Excessive Need for Validation 

☐ Fishes for compliments constantly

☐ Claims responsibility for others’ successes

☐ Shows off material signs of wealth

☐ Grows angry when achievements go unrecognized 

☐ Leads with charm and charisma initially

Lack of Empathy / Low Accountability

☐ Shows impatience and boredom when others speak 

☐ Monopolizes conversations relating everything back to self 

☐ Extorts favors using guilt trips and manipulation 

☐ Lies to exaggerate narratives showing self in inflated light

☐ Betrays confidences to gain influence and social standing

☐ Cheats sexually or financially exploiting others’ trust  

Devaluation Mindsets 

☐ Envies others’ professional or personal successes 

☐ Makes snide, critical comments about others

☐ Co-opts others’ ideas as their own

☐ Reacts vengefully to perceived slights or threats

☐ Demeans intimate partners specifically after failed seduction/conquest  

Summary Checklist of Key Indicators

 Grandiosity/Entitlement – 5+ traits

 Excessive Adulation-Seeking – 4+ traits

 Lack of Empathy/Exploitation – 4+ traits

 Contempt Towards Others – 3+ traits

Tallying up symptoms reveals the extent of narcissistic dysfunction – empowering victims to assess relationship health objectively and set self-protective boundaries.

Summary Table of Narcissist Checklist

ChecklistTrait ExplainedExample
Grandiose Sense of Self-ImportanceBelief in superior special talents, intelligence, destined for fame/gloryBoasts accomplishments, expects recognition as a genius even without evidence
Frequent Need for AdmirationCraves compliments, praise for any minor accomplishment; expects constant admirationPosts constantly on social media seeking validation and positive comments
Sense of EntitlementExpects preferential treatment, automatic compliance; highly exploitativeBelieves rules don’t apply to them; uses people with little regard
Lack of EmpathyFundamentally unable/unwilling to understand needs and emotions of othersShows little concern for how actions deeply impact partners, friends, family
Envious of OthersResents others’ success, possessions, acceptance; believes they deserve them insteadSeethes over friend’s job promotion; believes they should have gotten position
Arrogant Attitudes and BehaviorsDisplays arrogant, haughty, patronizing attitudes/behaviorsSneers at waiting staff; lectures experts condescendingly
Safeguards Against Narcissistic Narcissist Checklist

Establishing Safeguards Against Narcissistic Harm

Recognizing narcissism constitutes the first vital step toward protection. Knowledge lifts the veil on manipulation – but getting free requires taking action. Essential safeguards include:

1. Setting Clear Personal Boundaries

Define what behaviors you consider demeaning or unacceptable unambiguously upfront in relationships. Express firmly which acts feel exploitative. Then, follow through with rejecting dynamics violating those standards.

For instance, convey explicitly if specific communication feels degrading. Requests to shift approach only work if grounded in outside validation, though. Narcissists dismiss boundaries as arbitrary constraints, so social affirmation helps cement insistence on respectful relations.

2. Practicing Detachment

Refuse to get hooked by ploys for attention or validation, no matter how tempting niceties appear. Gifting gifts or intensified charm intends to reel victims back into narcissistic supply chains.

Spot self-serving agendas early by journaling interactions and observing if words align with follow-through. Keep reflecting on whether actions demonstrate genuine care versus furthering the narcissists’ need for glory, sex, or resources.

Objective tracking protects against gaslighting and confusing victims’ perceptions to record fact patterns to clarify tendencies before confronting narcissists directly and risking retaliation.

3. Seeking External Perspectives and Support

Given narcissists’ isolation tactics, ensuring outside input helps ground intuitive doubt against denial traps. Reach out to trustworthy confidants to reality-check dynamics that leave you questioning yourself.

Build bonds offering affirmation missing in the narcissist relationship. Seek people who help restore positive self-regard damaged by shaming and projections over time. External validation provides mirroring lacking from narcissists to help reinforce self-worth and convictions.

4. Limiting/Discontinuing Contact

Creating physical and emotional space for narcissists constitutes vital self-care. Interactions inevitably deplete bandwidth through managing unrealistic expectations. Distance helps nurture compassion for oneself and the stamina to enforce boundaries.

Low or structured contact may suit those unable to cut ties entirely due to legal or financial constraints. Strictly necessary communication gets defined and reinforced through disengaging responses to personal oversharing. Slow but steady separation facilitates healing.

While establishing safety from narcissists does burden victims further in the short term, the long-term benefits prove empowering and fulfilling. Challenging – yet liberating – growth unfolds as you incrementally regain authorship of your intuited truth.

Pathways to Remediating Narcissistic Pathology

While narcissists inflict substantial interpersonal damage, hope exists for mitigating underlying drivers through clinical treatment. Traditional talk therapy provides one remedial avenue; group modalities offer supplemental peer mirroring. Specific pharmacotherapy options additionally help strengthen self-regulation where warranted.

1. Individual Psychotherapy Approaches

Traditional counseling helps narcissists raise self-awareness around problematic behaviors reflecting distorted self-concepts and cognitive biases. Building distress tolerance for the shame underlying grandiosity facilitates change.

Treatment focuses first on cultivating willingness for self-inventory by reviewing the costs of narcissistic defenses on life quality. Next, coaching empathic interaction, impulse control, and emotional regulation occur. Breaking through stubborn resistance and denial poses the central challenge. Success relies on sustaining ego-syntonic motivation through appeals to rational self-interest.

2. Group Therapy with Fellow Narcissists

Group therapy delivers supplemental feedback unavailable through individual work alone. Peer encounters demonstrate the impacts of narcissistic injury and dysregulated behaviors on others explicitly. Groups offer chances to replace manipulative relating with vulnerable sharing.

Hearing recurrent struggles voiced fosters compassion for shared psychological burdens. Relatable case examples normalize challenges regulating megalomania, rage, and collapse. Hope emerges, modeling that gradual and imperfect transformation proves possible.

3. Medication for Co-Occurring Conditions

Pharmacotherapy plays an adjunctive role for narcissists where indicated. Symptom clusters like obsessionality, mood instability, or addiction could benefit from drug therapy against OCD, bipolar disorder, or substance abuse accordingly.

Medications help prune distressing aspects of pathology, allowing a more intentional psychotherapeutic focus. Combined approaches optimize outcomes, tailoring multiple levels of intervention.

Overcoming narcissistic defenses presents a formidable journey, but with concerted effort, sustainable change happens incrementally. Supporting narcissists to help themselves creates ripples, improving societal relational health collectively.

Final Words – Narcissist Checklist

This comprehensive diagnostic guide on narcissism intends to illuminate common narcissistic tendencies and impacts. The detailed narcissist checklist consolidates key traits across multiple life areas, empowering individuals to assess destructive behaviors objectively.

Clear patterns emerge, revealing inflated entitlement, emotional exploitation, and validation seeking. Icons flag warning signs of grandiosity, low empathy, and contempt, impairing bonds from romance to collegial work. Tallying narcissistic instances overall then shows the severity of dysfunction and the need for boundary setting accordingly.

Knowledge equals power when confronting narcissism’s hallmark manipulation and mistreatment. Recognizing unhealthy dynamics early helps victims avoid internalizing narcissistic narratives as reflections of personal deficiency or deserved punishment.

Instead, an objective checklist builds self-compassion to release unfairly shouldered blame that stunts recovery. Use this checklist to take steps toward health.

Some common narcissistic signs include requiring constant praise/admiration, lacking empathy, exploiting others, displaying arrogant behaviors, reacting strongly to criticism, taking advantage of people, needing to feel unique or superior, and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Narcissists use charm and perform “love bombing” to secure relationships in the early stages when vulnerabilities get exposed. They mirror partners’ interests/values, appearing to be an ideal match. Manipulation tactics then unveil over time to exert control.

You can work to break traumatic bonds through physical/emotional distance from narcissist partners, professional support processing trauma, joining support communities, focusing on self-care practices, renewing your sense of self, and consistently reminding yourself you deserve reciprocated love.

The most effective narcissist boundary techniques involve emotional detachment, sticking to logistics only, safely involving authorities as needed, directly addressing each boundary-crossing incident, and following through on promised consequences using consistency/firmness, not emotion.
