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Overcome the Past Life Trauma Through Self-Discovery

Past life trauma is believed to originate from profoundly traumatic events or circumstances experienced during previous incarnations of the soul that left intense unresolved distress imprinted on one’s eternal consciousness. Potential causes of trauma include:
Overcome the Past Life Trauma Through Self-Discovery

Have you ever found yourself still bothered by things that happened a long time ago, and it’s affecting how you feel right now? Sometimes, challenging experiences from the past can make today’s life difficult. The good news is you have the power to make things better. Come with us to explore yourself and heal from past problems.

We’ll use simple and ancient ideas, calming meditations, and helpful methods to discover the hidden hurts still bothering you. When you understand and let go of these problems, it can make a big difference.

Say goodbye to the past’s hold on you and open the door to a better now. Your soul feeling free is not just a dream – it can happen.

Don’t let old memories scare you. Instead, think of them as guides to help you understand and let go. When you face and learn from the tough stuff that happened in the past, you become more muscular and more graceful in handling things now. Healing is like taking control of your story, making your life better with new wisdom and strength.

By deciding to heal from past hurts, you’re starting an extraordinary journey to understand yourself better. The power to heal is inside you, waiting for you to use it by paying attention to the process.

As you let go of the past, you step fully into the now, ready to enjoy all the good things that can happen when you set your soul free.

The Concept of Past Life Trauma

Past life trauma refers to emotional wounds or painful experiences that an individual’s soul endured in previous lifetimes on earth. The traumatic memories, emotions, and even physical sensations carry over into the current life and continue influencing one’s perceptions, relationships, and decision-making, often at the subconscious level.

For instance, if a person perished in a fire in a past life, residual fear or anxiety around flames may surface. If they were deeply betrayed by a loved one before, trust issues could plague their present relationships despite conscious awareness of the root causes.

Past life trauma stems from the concept that our souls are eternal, with mortal lifetimes representing temporary periods of embodied existence. Major emotional wounds can leave imprints on the soul that cause physical death.

The idea that present-day issues and traumas can originate from past lives is a concept that has been around for centuries, rooted in certain spiritual and religious traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism.

The basic premise is that the soul or spirit of a person has lived through many previous incarnations, and unresolved emotional issues or trauma from those past lives can carry over and manifest in unexpected ways in the current life.

In recent decades, past life trauma has become more widely discussed in the Western world. More people are open to exploring how phobias, irrational fears, recurring nightmares, unexplained anxieties, and even physical symptoms like unresolved pain might be rooted in traumatic events from previous incarnations.

Significant events like near-death experiences have also triggered past life memories for some people.

Causes of Past Life Trauma

Past life trauma is believed to originate from profoundly traumatic events or circumstances experienced during previous incarnations of the soul that left intense unresolved distress imprinted on one’s eternal consciousness. Potential causes of trauma include:

  • Violent or untimely deaths – being murdered, killed at war, dying during childbirth, or due to disease epidemics were common. Lingering pain and panic around the death experience carries over.
  • Abuse and oppression – lives as enslaved people, captives, and servitude with no freedoms could imprint ongoing fear and anxiety energetically.
  • Painful losses – losing loved ones tragically due to premature death was widespread due to lower life expectancy, and this heartbreak affects the soul.
  • Disasters and catastrophes – perishing in fires, floods, famines, earthquakes, or other sudden disasters leave their mark emotionally.
  • Severe hardship – poverty, starvation, injury, disability in a past life burdens one’s spirit immensely.
  • Attachment to people/places – incomplete business with important souls or soul groups you reincarnate with or longing for beloved places of one’s homeland creates a longing that transcends lifetimes if left unresolved.

The shared trait underlying these varied causes is that challenging, agonizing circumstances were endured. Still, the individual was unable to process and heal from the trauma before death fully.

So, the remaining emotional energy gets buried deep in the soul’s unconscious only to resurface unexpectedly in the current life at challenging times.

Causes of Past Life Trauma

Signs that Past Life Trauma Might Be Affecting You

There is a range of signs and symptoms that experts feel could indicate past life trauma influencing a person’s current mental, emotional, or physical state. These possible signs include:

Irrational or extreme phobias

Many phobias are believed to originate from traumatic deaths in past lives – like drowning, burning at the stake, dying in captivity, etc.

Past Life Family Memories

Spontaneous past life memories, especially in children. Young children who tell detailed stories of remembering “another family” or speak foreign languages they have never learned have inspired many past life investigations.

Fear of Materialistic Objects

I have an irrational aversion to or fear of objects, animals, places, or cultures for no logical reason. Past life trauma could be triggering subconscious memories of related threats or dangers.

Feeling Scared Without a Reason:

If you often feel afraid or Suffering unexplained bouts of anxiety, depression, or PTSD that do not link clearly to anything in one’s current life. Trauma specialists believe past life issues could be a factor. These fears might come from experiences you had before this one.

Bad Dreams that Repeat:

Having the same scary dreams over and over might mean there are things from your past lives that still bother you. Recurring nightmares or vivid, repeated dreams are believed to be a window into the past lives recorded in our soul’s memories. These dreams could show bits of your past that still affect your feelings, especially when you’re asleep.

Pain or Sickness Without a Cause:

Some people with past life trauma feel physical pain or get sick for no apparent reason. These types of lingering bodily pains are thought to be imprints from injuries, torture, or abuse suffered in a past life. They might be connected to problems that started in their past lives and are affecting them now.

Intense Emotions for Small Reasons:

Past life trauma can make you feel very emotional about certain things, even if they’re not a big deal in your current life. These strong feelings might come from things that happened to you in past lives.

Loving or Hating Certain Times or Cultures:

If you like or dislike a specific time in history or a culture, it could be a sign of past life trauma. Feeling a strong connection or dislike might be because of experiences from a different time in your past lives.

Feeling Like You’ve Been Somewhere Before:

Have you ever been to a new place but felt like you’ve been there before? Or met someone for the first time but felt like you already knew them? That could hint at past life connections, like your soul remembering things from before this life.

If you relate to more than one of these signs, it might be worthwhile to explore past life trauma further with a professional therapist.

How Past Life Trauma Impacts the Current Life

The concept of past lives and past life trauma is based on the belief that our souls have experienced previous incarnations before our current lifetime.

Supporters of past life theory believe unresolved emotional, physical, or psychological trauma from those lifetimes can carry forward and manifest in our present-day existence.

Physical Realm Impacts

Lingering trauma from past lives doesn’t just affect someone emotionally or spiritually in their current life. The aftermath can translate into tangible bodily troubles, pain patterns, and health predispositions, too.

Recurring body pain, weakness, or injuries

A person might spontaneously develop similar bodily wounds and scarring as suffered in a past life trauma but with no medical explanation for its appearance in this lifetime.

Susceptibility to certain diseases and illnesses one had previously

The trauma of prolonged suffering and death by a particular disease can create increased vulnerability to manifest it again.

Repeated pregnancy or birthing challenges

For women who endured dying in childbirth in a past life, issues like miscarriage or infertility often surface repeatedly.

Emotional and Mental Realm Impacts

Past life trauma that gets dragged into the current lifetime tends to pepper emotional and mental behaviors, too. Those impacted may display irrational yet intense reactions to everyday triggers oddly reminiscent of the original trauma’s dynamics.

Extreme phobias to things that posed threats before, like animals, heights, water, travel, and more

People may develop sudden and intense phobias to everyday things or situations that align with how they were hurt or killed in a past life trauma. For example, an extreme fear of particular animals like snakes, spiders, or dogs can connect to being threatened or harmed by those creatures.

Similarly, fears of other triggering situations like air travel, oceans, and heights often tie back to memories like a plane crash death, drowning trauma, or fall demise.

Severe abandonment issues and codependencies echoing past betrayals

Betrayal wounds often carry deep emotional aftershocks, mainly if past treachery resulted in our past life self or loved ones being seriously harmed or killed.

The intense feelings of abandonment stay alive subconsciously, easily reactivated by present-day relationship issues or losses. To avoid yet another painful separation, those impacted may develop severe codependent attachments and abandonment anxiety.

Behaviors like hoarding tying back to past impoverishment or starvation

For those who endured extended poverty, hunger, or lack as a community or individual in a former lifetime, survival anxiety and obsessive behaviors around resources, food, and belongings may surface now.

The subconscious trauma memory of not having enough may compel them toward obsessive hoarding or food storage, still reacting from the original wounds now healed.

Ongoing sleep disruptions, nightmares, or panic attacks

Unhealed past-life trauma memories tend to interrupt sleep and spark more middle-of-the-night mental activity. Frightening images, physical sensations, or emotions may also pass from those lifetimes into the present via ongoing nightmares.

Plus, daytime panic attacks can get seemingly randomly triggered by innocuous things somehow connected to old trauma memory triggers awaiting release.

Detrimental self-image and self-sabotaging tendencies

The residual emotional impact and belief systems picked up during or post-trauma in a past life also commonly follow into the current lifetime.

Feelings of shame, worthlessness, brokenness, or being undeserving often stem from old wounds around persecution, punishment, or rejection by society in those previous times.

Signs that Past Life Trauma Might Be Affecting You

Dream state impacts

Frequent scary dreams that keep coming back may be linked to old memories of bad experiences from a past life. These memories can come up when you’re dreaming, making the nightmares feel real and frightening.

The dreams often replay dangerous situations, like war or accidents, similar to what happened before. It’s like your mind is trying to deal with past hurts, and that’s why the nightmares can be so intense and alarming.

Seeing Dreams and Visions from Unfamiliar Historic Eras

When we sleep, our minds go into the subconscious, where memories from past lives are stored. Dreams in strange but strangely familiar places and times might be like snapshots of our past lives.

Some people have dreams that show detailed scenes from their past lives, while others might see quick glimpses of themselves in different centuries, doing things connected to those past experiences.

Having Dream Meetings with Unfamiliar yet Familiar Individuals

People’s spirits move together and meet again in different lives, forming new relationships. When people from past lives, like loved ones or even enemies, appear in dreams today, it can bring up strong feelings.

Even if they look different now, their inner essence stays the same. So, the emotions they spark—love, hate, or fear—echo from long ago.

Waking life impacts:

Past life trauma, long buried in our subconscious minds and soul memories, can have a profound influence on our current lifetimes. Even if the specific details are unavailable to our conscious awareness, emotions, urges, and bodily responses leftover from traumatic past life experiences will emerge in various ways.

Triggered by Past Trauma

Some people find themselves experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-like symptoms around particular objects or situations that trigger memories and emotions from a past life trauma.

For example, one may feel inexplicably anxious around fire or water, having a solid sense to avoid such things without understanding why.

This could be due to having suffered a traumatic death by burning or drowning in a past life, with the soul memory still intact, even if the specific details are buried in the subconscious.

Reliving emotions and bodily sensations associated with that past life trauma can cause high alert and distress in the current life.

Lingering Oppression

Past life experiences of chronic abuse or oppression can lead to a shy, introverted personality in the current life. The emotional and psychic wounds of being repeatedly mistreated, silenced, or disempowered can linger in the soul.

This may manifest as a reluctance to call attention to oneself, not feeling safe taking up space or having a voice, and struggling with self-confidence – residual echoes of past life trauma. Healing would involve processing the old emotional pain and creating a sense of deserving positive regard.

Catastrophic Thinking

If someone endured a significant disaster or tragedy in the past, like a tsunami, plague, war, or famine, that could lead to tendencies in the current life to panic or assume the worst when faced with minor difficulties. The reasoning mind knows no rational basis for feeling overwhelmed by small modern challenges.

But the soul remembers the pain of past catastrophes and activates the fight-flight response more readily. Learning to calm that anxiety reaction and put current problems in perspective is part of the integration process.

Meeting Familiar Faces

We tend to feel instinctively comfortable and connected with people, places, and cultures that were significant in past lives. This can translate into dating only a specific “type” that feels familiar or immersed in a country or ethnic group without fully understanding why it feels so natural.

The people and places we are repeatedly drawn to have a past life basis often. Getting glimpses of those connections through past life regression can bring that more profound sense of belonging into conscious awareness.

The key is being aware of these potential signs of influence from past life trauma so the root causes can be addressed through therapeutic healing modalities.

Some Identifying Tactics of Past Life Trauma

Many people believe that unresolved issues or trauma from past lives can carry over and negatively impact our current lives. While the concept is controversial, if you find yourself struggling with seemingly inexplicable phobias, chronic illnesses, or repeating destructive patterns, exploring whether past life trauma could be a factor may provide insight.


If you suspect you may be carrying trauma from a past life, start by taking inventory of clues in your current life. Make a list of any phobias, chronic physical or emotional issues, and persistent negative patterns like trauma bonds or abusive relationships.

Also note any strong affinities for particular periods, places, cultures, or styles. Intense nightmares, emotions, visions, or physical sensations tied to a specific time or place can also indicate past life roots.

Exploration of recurring themes, emotions, imagery

Once you have clarity on the specific fear triggers, relationship patterns, symbolic images, chronic illnesses, period affinities, and other clues you experience, you can begin exploring what connections might exist across lifetimes.

List the strong repeating themes – is there a common thread? Do you experience any literal or emotional flashbacks to what seems like another time and place?

Minutely record any imagery, sensory input, emotions, or physical manifestations you experience around your suspected past life wounds. Over time, see if a cohesive narrative connects the dots around the origins of your struggles.

Stay open to mystical visions, nightmares, emotional outpourings, and even physical symptoms like pain or skin disruptions that could provide illumination. Clarity can come by patiently and compassionately exploring the messages your soul seems determined to reveal.


While self-assessment can provide profound realizations around past lives, partnering with a therapist trained in past life regression can help confirm whether your suspicions reflect actual past life events.

Through hypnotic regression and skilled guidance in interpreting what emerges, a clearer picture takes shape if aspects of your current life stem from past life trauma.

Consider past life regression therapy as the next step if your exploration yields repetitive clues that specific past life events are linked to lifelong patterns or wounds impacting you.

Partnering with a Therapist

Finding the right practitioner is vital when seeking professional help illuminating the root causes of suspected past life trauma.

Search for a licensed mental health professional with specialized training in past life regression and a track record of successfully uncovering prior lifetime sources of present-day suffering.

Ask about their background, number of past life regression sessions conducted, types of issues typically resolved, and any specializations like childhood trauma or phobias. Ensure you feel comfortable being in a hypnotic state in their presence.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression involves entering an altered state of consciousness through hypnosis to retrieve memories from previous incarnations that connect to current lifetime issues.

This differs from spiritual mediumship by having the subject access their past life memories instead of communicating with other disembodied beings.

In a typical session, the therapist will guide you into a relaxed hypnotic state and then prompt you to connect with the currents of energy, symbolism, emotion, and imagery linked to disruptive patterns needing resolution.

By tapping directly into past life memories through hypnotic regression, core wounds around fear, abandonment, self-destruction, loss, and trauma stored energetically across lifetimes can finally release their grip.

The Concept of Past Life Trauma

Therapeutic Approaches to Resolve Past Life Trauma

Various therapy approaches offer hope for uncovering and healing trauma lodged deep in one’s eternal soul so that peace and wholeness can be reclaimed in the present lifetime. These modalities include:

Past Life Regression Therapy:

It uses hypnosis and guided visualization to access past life memories directly to reconnect with forgotten trauma and piece together an important history that allows healing change to happen.

Energy Healing:

It uses techniques like Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Spiritual Emotional Freedom Techniques (SEFT) to clear stuck negative emotional energy and repair damage inflicted on the spiritual bodies and energy field due to past life causes.

Cellular and DNA Healing:

Based on science shows, trauma alters gene expression and gets stored in bodily cells unconsciously; using sound frequencies, mediation, massage therapy, and other modalities, spiritual healers help clear cellular memory of past trauma.

Inner Child Work:

The approach considers the eternal soul as an Inner Child carrying unhealed wounds from many lifetimes that can be addressed via visualizations, conversations, and expressions of understanding and nurture to allow the Inner Child to release past pain.

Some people experience complete healing in one mighty session with one of these therapies. In contrast, when imprints are heavy for others, multiple sessions may be needed to lift their entire emotional burden from the past.

Finding a Therapist to Help Heal Past Life Trauma

If you feel ready to pursue past-life trauma therapy, finding the right practitioner is vital. Be sure to choose someone who is appropriately qualified and reputable. Warning signs of an unqualified therapist include:

  • Claiming they can completely cure disease or physical disabilities through past life work. Ethical therapists consider emotional healing more likely.
  • Making guarantees about the past life information they can reveal. Genuine past life memories should surface spontaneously from the subconscious.
  • Seeming overly interested in financial profit rather than helping the patient. Therapists focused on patient well-being will develop reasonable payment plans if needed.

Legitimate credentials to look for include licensure as a therapist or psychologist with additional past life or hypnotherapy certification. Checking professional associations that uphold competency and ethical standards for these therapies is also wise.

Be ready to feel emotionally vulnerable and drained after past life trauma sessions. Schedule ample integration time afterward to process any intense memories and feelings that surface.

Having follow-up counseling sessions ensures you fully understand the meaning of symbols, imagery, and messages from perceived past lives. Be patient, as true healing happens slowly over time.

Key Considerations When Seeking Help for Past Life Trauma Healing

If you feel drawn to access help around resolving possible past life trauma issues, here are some critical considerations around selecting the right practitioner:

  1. Seek referrals from trusted sources and ask questions about the healer’s expertise and training in past life trauma therapy when researching options.
  2. Be attuned to your inner guidance and notice which potential therapists intuitively feel like an energetic match and safe space for you.
  3. Ask practitioners practical questions about the number of sessions required on average, how they help clients emotionally process the trauma that surfaces, payment plans, or options to discuss affordability.
  4. Ensure through your answers and interactions that a potential therapist has patience, care, and understanding of the vulnerability required to do this profoundly personal healing work.

Following inner promptings and due diligence is wise when picking someone you’ll work intensely with around such delicate matters as past lives.

Healing Past Life Trauma Case Examples

To inspire hope, here are two examples of healing transformations made possible by skillfully addressing long-held past life trauma:

1) Sam, who had life-impeding abandonment panic since childhood, discovered under past life regression that as a sea captain in 1700s England, his sudden imprisonment abroad meant certain death for his wife and children at home when his income and leadership ceased. Understanding the origin of his abandonment issues allowed deep grieving and peace around why he resorted to clinging behaviors in relationships now.

2) Mae, who suffered from immobilizing stage fright and fear of self-expression, realized through accessing past life records in advanced meditation that as a philosopher openly opposing Roman rule in the 300s AD, she was executed by fire in front of a stadium of spectators, making public attention terrifying for her psyche still.

Building spiritual courage in that meditation space led to performing poetry on stage that helped her triumph over residual stage fright.

In both cases, root past life traumas underscored irrational fears plaguing these individuals in the current era, confirming how profoundly healing past accessing can be.

Solution Combinations to Address Past Life Wounding Layer by Layer

Due to the complex, multilayered nature of past life trauma that can permeate one’s body, mind, and spirit in the current lifetime, it is common for healers to use combination approaches to address different aspects of past wounds for more thorough results.

A few examples of multi-modal therapies include:

  • Past life regression session first to discover core trauma, followed by Inner Child work to allow spontaneous emotional release and transformation guided by higher self-understanding.
  • Energy healing concentrated on freeing blocked areas around the major organs and chakras, combined with cellular healing like repattern Reiki to clear bodily musculature and flow.
  • Accessing Akashic Records to glimpse important past life themes, then performing loving dialogue and visualization with one’s Inner Child using insight about core wounds impacting the psyche and perspectives.

Combining modalities this way addresses roots while allowing catharsis and integration on psychological levels for more profound healing. Just pursuing one angle may not be enough when trauma imprints run so deep.

Final Thoughts

In short, past-life trauma therapy guided by skilled practitioners provides an avenue for profound healing from grief, fears, and limiting beliefs that often feel irrational in one’s current life yet make sense when viewed as carried over from traumatic deaths, violence, disasters, and heartbreaks endured in previous incarnations.

Accessing these trapped energies through counseling modalities like past life regression hypnosis, emotional release work with one’s Inner Child self, energy clearing, and cellular repair practices allows catharsis, grief resolution, and gradual integration of a more positive personal narrative freed from ancient burdens.

While some healthy skepticism around past lives is warranted given the lack of definitive scientific proof, the psychological insights and overwhelmingly positive emotional transformation people experience by sincerely engaging in this trauma healing cannot be ignored and inspires one to remain open-minded about humanity’s endless spiritual evolution through multiple lifetimes.

Professional therapists experienced with these modalities have ways of verifying indications of authentic past life roots vs. metaphor or imagination. Starting slowly with support builds discernment skills in clients, too. Those with serious mental illness may be referred out.

Costs vary widely based on practitioner experience and the number/length of sessions needed. Some offer sliding scales or payment plans to understand clients’ financial limitations. Insurance coverage is rare, given these therapies are usually considered alternative or experimental.

Yes, therapy models adapted for younger ages focus on play, expressive arts, and gentle dialogue to access subconscious memories. Children assimilate past life insights and self-correct issues faster. Teen approaches foster maturity and self-inquiry around memories that arise.

It is believed a moderate percentage, perhaps 25-30% of the population, carry discernible pockets of trauma energy from past incarnations influencing their present lifetimes. Soul growth lessons seeking resolution drive reincarnation choices.
