Psychological Tests & Life Guides

Ignoring Someone With Histrionic Personality Disorder: An In-Depth Guide

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a complex condition characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. People with HPD often have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, as they constantly seek to be the center of attention. 

Ignoring someone with histrionic personality disorder can seem like an easy solution, but it rarely improves the situation in the long term. Instead, setting compassionate boundaries while still conveying care is optimal. This in-depth guide examines healthy strategies for ethically ignoring someone with HPD.

ways to ignore someone with HPD

If you’ve come here looking for answers about coping with histrionic personality disorder in a loved one, you’ve arrived at the right place. I understand the confusion and pain this can cause, but meaningful change is possible. 

Stay with me as we walk through research-based strategies together. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll feel empowered by new knowledge and filled with compassionate hope. The journey to healthier relationships begins here, so read on.

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

HPD is one of ten recognized personality disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It involves a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking starting in early adulthood. Key symptoms include:

1. Excessive Emotionality

People with HPD display emotions in an exaggerated, dramatic fashion. They are overly enthusiastic even with casual acquaintances. Their emotional responses tend to be shallow and fleeting rather than genuine.

2. Attention-Seeking Behaviors

Individuals with HPD constantly seek to be the center of attention. They may inappropriately seduce, manipulate, or create public scenes to gain notice.

3. Suggestibility

Others highly influence those with HPD. They lack a strong sense of self and conform to the perceived desires of those around them.

4. Shallow Relationships

Relationships are often superficial, as those with HPD seek novelty and attention over genuine intimacy and commitment. Connections lack meaning.

5. Impulsivity

Impulsive and thrill-seeking behaviors are common, including reckless spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse of any nature, or other dangerous conduct.

6. Excessive Vanity

Individuals with HPD excessively focus on physical appearance. They constantly fish for compliments about attractiveness or dress provocatively.

7. Emotional Instability

Their emotions shift rapidly depending on who they are around. Underlying emotional needs are not being met.

This cluster of dysfunctional behaviors causes significant distress and impairment in relationships and work. HPD usually first appears in the late teens or early 20s and is more frequently diagnosed in women. The exact causes are unknown but likely involve a combination of genetic predispositions and environmental factors.

Should You Ignore Someone with HPD?

When dealing with the intense emotions and drama associated with HPD, ignoring the person’s behavior may seem like the easiest approach. 

However, cutting them off entirely or giving them the silent treatment rarely improves the situation. It can actually exacerbate underlying issues driving the dysfunction.

Ignoring someone with HPD fails to address the root causes:

1. Need for Identity and Validation

People with HPD desperately seek a sense of self or identity. Ignoring them denies their need for validation and stability.

2. Childhood Emotional Neglect

Many with HPD suffered emotional neglect as children. Ignoring them reinforces this neglect and abandonment.

3. Poor Emotional Awareness

Those with HPD lack insight into their feelings. Ignoring prevents them from developing this crucial awareness.

4. Fear of Rejection

Under the theatrics lies a deep fear of rejection. Complete rejection confirms this fear rather than alleviates it.

While allowing inappropriate behaviors is unhealthy, outright rejecting the person is unlikely to improve the situation. Setting compassionate boundaries that confront poor conduct while also conveying warmth and concern is optimal.

Healthy Boundary Setting with Someone Who Has HPD

Establishing clear boundaries with someone who has HPD demonstrates care while refusing to enable dysfunction. 

Here are some tips:

1. Direct Communication

Verbalize the specific behaviors you will not tolerate. However, avoid criticism or humiliation. Use “I feel” statements about how their actions affect you.

2. Limited Engagement

Walk away from situations where inappropriate conduct persists after requesting a change. Temporarily limiting contact reinforces boundaries.

3. Offer Appropriate Validation

Provide genuine praise and validation when they display healthy behaviors, not just the dramatics. This positive reinforcement encourages change.

4. Encourage Emotional Growth

Gently reflect on underlying emotions you observe and suggest healthier ways of communicating feelings. Model appropriate emotional awareness.

5. Maintain Self-Care

Handling the chaos associated with HPD is exhausting. Ensure you practice regular self-care activities to avoid burnout and remain patient.

With time and consistency, compassionate boundary setting helps motivate change by refusing to indulge in attention-seeking while still offering unconditional positive regard. However, more extreme intervention may be necessary in some cases.

When You Should Walk Away from Someone with HPD

In severe cases of HPD, the individual may chronically violate boundaries and prove unwilling to take steps to change despite intervention. In these situations, temporarily walking away may be warranted to reinforce you will not accept continued dysfunction. 

Consider disengaging if the person routinely:

1. Ignores Clear Requests

Repeatedly disregards direct requests to stop unacceptable conduct, especially highly chaotic or unethical behaviors.

2. Lacks Accountability

Refuses to take any responsibility for consequences and blames others for reactions to their behaviors.

3. Rejects treatment

Persistently avoids therapy or addressing core issues driving symptomatic behaviors.

4. Remains Unsafe

Continues behaviors dangerous to you or loved ones like reckless driving and money spending, unsafe sexual activity, etc.

5. Seeks Retribution

When boundaries are enforced, retaliate through threats, slander, or other aggressive means.

6. Causes Significant Distress

Despite the intervention, the relationship still severely compromises your mental health and daily functioning.

In these extreme cases, walking away may be healthiest for both parties. Explain you care but can no longer engage without change and they have to accept your right to say NO. This upholds boundaries while leaving the door open for reconciliation if progress is made.

Healthy Ways to Cope with Ignoring Someone with HPD

Ignoring someone with HPD entirely should be avoided when possible. However, temporarily withdrawing attention may be warranted to reinforce boundaries after other efforts fail. Doing so in a healthy manner requires self-care. 

Useful coping strategies include:

1. Seeking Social Support

Connect regularly with trusted friends and family to reduce isolation. Sharing your experiences and feelings with a supportive community validates your need for boundaries.

2. Practicing Relaxation Techniques

Try regular deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or other methods to activate the body’s relaxation response and manage anxiety. Keeping your nervous system regulated provides stability.

causes that lead to ignoring someone with historic personality disorder

3. Limiting Digital Contact

Reduce contact through texting, social media, or other digital means, if necessary, during periods of boundary reinforcement. This limits opportunities for unwanted emotional escalation.

4. Reframing Catastrophic Thoughts

Combat irrational fears about permanent loss of the relationship through positive reframing. Thoughts like “this is temporary for overall improvement” can help reduce anxiety about upholding boundaries.

5. Self-Validating

Remind yourself regularly that you have legitimate needs, too. Establishing ethical boundaries does not make you uncaring, but rather the opposite.

6. Focusing on Potential Gains

Rather than grieving the loss of an idealized relationship, direct thoughts to how enforcing healthy limits can improve things for both parties eventually.

With self-compassion and prioritizing emotional health, ignoring someone with HPD can be an ethical temporary tool for positive change. However, permanent rejection is rarely beneficial.

6 Origins of Histrionic Personality Disorder

To better understand HPD, it is helpful to explore its possible origins both biologically and psychosocially. Research points to a complex interaction of factors.

1. Genetics

Twin studies reveal a genetic component, with identical twins more likely to both have HPD than fraternal twins. Certain genetic variations involving neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine may contribute to impulsivity and emotional dysregulation.

2. Brain Structure and Function

Brain imaging studies show structural and functional differences in regions like the amygdala and prefrontal cortex among those with HPD compared to controls. This may impact threat perception, emotional processing, and behavioral inhibition.

3. Childhood Experiences

Many with HPD suffered emotional neglect or abuse in childhood. Critical developmental needs like stability, unconditional love, accurate mirroring, and autonomy may have gone unmet, interfering with identity formation and emotional regulation.

4. Attachment Disruptions

Individuals with HPD often have insecure attachment patterns rooted in inconsistent nurturing. Attention-seeking attempts to elicit care from others. Fear of abandonment and lack of inner stability result.

5. Social Learning Factors

Modeling may play a role, with those with HPD potentially growing up witnessing similar drama-driven behaviors receive reinforcement. This teaches maladaptive interaction styles.

6. Sociocultural Influences

Cultural norms emphasizing female emotionality, beauty, and seduction to achieve value may contribute to the development of HPD patterns, particularly among women.

In light of these diverse factors, integrated biopsychosocial treatment addressing both biological and learned components of HPD offers the best outcomes.

5 Common Co-Occurring Conditions

Given the pervasive instability and impulsivity associated with HPD, several other psychiatric conditions often co-occur:

1. Substance Use Disorders

Rates of alcohol abuse and dependence disorders are high with HPD. Illicit drug abuse and addiction also frequently coexist, exacerbating instability.

2. Eating Disorders

The excessive focus on attractiveness with HPD may contribute to heightened rates of disorders like bulimia or anorexia as a means to attain the perfect look.

3. Mood Disorders

Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorders often accompany HPD, contributing to emotional rollercoasters. Suicidality may emerge.

4. Anxiety Disorders

Panic disorder, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder commonly co-occur. Pervasive relationship fears manifest physically.

5. Other Personality Disorders

A borderline personality disorder is particularly common. The dramatic behaviors and fear of abandonment in both conditions overlap.

When HPD co-occurs with other conditions, an integrated treatment approach addressing both is required for optimal outcomes.

5 Gender Differences in HPD

HPD is diagnosed far more often in women than men. Research indicates this likely stems from a confluence of biological and social factors.

1. Sex Hormones

Differences in sex hormones like estrogen may contribute to the heightened emotionality and impulsivity more often seen in women with HPD compared to men.

2. Diagnostic Biases

Clinicians may be more primed to diagnose women with HPD based on gender stereotypes about emotionality and seduction. Minimizing male HPD remains a problem.

3. Gender Socialization

Social learning reinforcing emotional expression and appearance focus for girls may shape the development of HPD cognitive and behavioral patterns.

4. Unequal Status

In a culture of male dominance, women with HPD may resort to manipulative seduction due to a lack of power to achieve security and validation through healthier means.

5. Response to Trauma

HPD symptoms may represent an adaptation to cope with trauma like sexual abuse or assault, more commonly experienced by women.

In light of these factors, optimal treatment considers gender socialization while avoiding assumptions about clients based on gendered stereotypes.

HPD Across the Lifespan

Manifestations of HPD often evolve across the lifespan as individuals age:

1. Childhood

In childhood, early HPD patterns may involve exaggerated stories to gain attention or excessive clinginess due to attachment disruptions. Emotions tend to switch rapidly.

2. Adolescence

During the teen years, dramatic displays of emotion emerge, along with impulsive and thrill-seeking behaviors. Precocious seduction grabs attention. Identity confusion is common.

3. Early Adulthood

HPD is usually formally diagnosed in early adulthood. Excessive emotionality, seductiveness, rapidly shifting friend groups, and chaotic intimate relationships mark this phase.

4. Middle Adulthood

As HPD individuals age, impulsivity, and seduction decrease. However, a pervasive need for attention and validation remains. Fear of abandonment by an aging partner persists.

5. Later adulthood

Emotional displays reduce with age. Depression may emerge due to loss of attention and declining physical appearance. Support in this adjustment is important.

Recognizing typical evolution across the lifespan aids early intervention and indicated treatment adjustments at each stage.

HPD in the Media: Impact on Public Perception

Public understanding of HPD is heavily shaped by often exaggerated or negative media portrayals of the disorder:

1. Problematic Depictions

TV and film characters with HPD traits are frequently depicted as unstable, irresponsible, manipulative, and even dangerous. Their actions serve as plot devices.

2. Impact on Stigma

Such sensationalized portrayals promote harmful stigma. Viewers may conclude those with HPD are toxic, impossible to have healthy relationships with, or even untreatable.

3. Spreading Misinformation

Inaccurate information on symptoms and treatment of HPD may spread through popular media, interfering with viewers’ ability to recognize the disorder in real life.

4. Reinforcing Bias

Media depictions often reinforce gender, race, and age biases, overwhelmingly representing HPD in young, attractive, white female characters.

benefits of ignoring some with historic personality disorder

5. Importance of Representation

Healthy representation is crucial. Portraying characters with HPD with nuance, depth, and empathy can reduce stigma and encourage treatment-seeking.

While media portrayal of HPD remains limited and often problematic, advocacy is slowly improving representation and public understanding.

Maintaining Hope with HPD Relationships

When dealing with chronic HPD, it’s easy to become discouraged if boundaries fail to create change quickly. In these difficult situations, maintain hope by:

6. Accepting Your Limits

You alone cannot force someone to change. Let go of unrealistic control and recognize you have done your reasonable best.

7. Trusting Their Path

Believe the person will seek growth eventually, though their path to health may be longer than you had hoped.

8. Leaving the Door Open

Make clear you remain open to reconciling if they seek help and demonstrate meaningful change.

9. Focusing on Your Circle of Influence

Rather than fixating on what you cannot change, focus your energy on developing your health and supporting others in your life positively.

10. Believing in Their Potential

Have faith in the person’s inherent worth and capacity for growth. If given the right opportunities, they can find health.

Though HPD presents many challenges, maintaining compassionate realism and hope allows you to enforce needed boundaries while also conveying care. With time and the right support, improvement remains possible.

Supporting Someone with HPD Seeking Help

If an individual with HPD recognizes their dysfunctional patterns and pursues therapeutic help, this represents significant progress. Their active participation in treatment can yield great improvement. Ways you can support their healing process include:

1. Expressing Encouragement

Offer genuine praise for their choice to get help. This positively reinforces this major step forward. Let them know you believe in their ability to change.

2. Providing Logistical Help

Assist in small, practical ways like transportation to appointments or researching treatment options. But avoid enabling avoidance of responsibility.

3. Maintaining Patience

Recognize progress is slow in therapy. Resist frustrated reactions to occasional backsliding. Stay focused on the long-term trajectory.

4. Learning about HPD

Research HPD treatment methods through reputable sources. Understanding their process enables greater empathy and realistic expectations.

5. Participating If Requested

If asked, participate in treatment discussions appropriately after carefully considering the request. This models healthy communication.

6. Respecting Their Needs

Accept that those with HPD may need time apart from you to focus on recovery free of other influences. Avoid taking this personally.

Trained professionals require time to treat HPD effectively. Manage expectations realistically while offering nonjudgmental support. With compassion and consistency, you can assist meaningful change.

One of the greatest barriers facing those with HPD is pervasive stigma, even among mental health professionals. HPD is highly stigmatized, with those afflicted often viewed as purposefully manipulative or merely wanting attention. Challenging stigma is crucial for compassionate support. Useful strategies include:

1. Rejecting Harmful Stereotypes

Avoid characterizing people with HPD as intentionally manipulative or inadequate. Recognize symptoms that arise from unmet emotional needs.

2. Sharing Accurate Information

Dispel myths about HPD with facts from reputable health organizations. Emphasize it is a real and serious disorder.

3. Acknowledging Suffering

Make clear that regardless of disruptive symptoms, people with HPD experience real and often severe psychological distress deserving of support.

4. Using People-First Language

Say “person/people with HPD” rather than “HPD person/people.” Identity exists outside of diagnosis.

5. Sharing Diverse Stories

When depicting HPD, avoid relying solely on stereotypical celebrity examples. Seek and share stories showing the wider, diverse reality of living with HPD.

6. Advocating for Compassionate Care

Challenge policies and programs that stigmatize HPD and advocate for reforms requiring empathetic approaches.

Collective advocacy provides social and structural support for the needs of those with HPD. With greater awareness and reduced stigma, people with HPD can feel empowered to seek help.

Supporting Loved Ones with HPD

If you have a family member, friend, or partner with HPD, you may feel overwhelmed maintaining compassion at times. Here are some self-care tips to equip you for this vital supporting role:

1. Creating Self-Care Routines

Make adequate sleep, nutrition, leisure, and relaxation activities like yoga priorities. You cannot help others without first helping yourself.

2. Building Community

Join local or online support groups to exchange wisdom and find Encouragement from others with similar experiences. Shared experiences build resilience.

is it the right thing to do by ignoring someone with historic personality disorder

3. Practicing Mindfulness

Study mindfulness practices like meditation and focus on being fully present when interacting with your loved one. This reduces emotional reactivity.

4. Managing Expectations

Remind yourself recovery is slow. Celebrate small wins while maintaining realistic expectations to avoid resentment or discouragement.

5. Increasing HPD Knowledge

Learn all you can about HPD treatment approaches through reputable sources. Understanding the disorder enhances your ability to provide informed care.

6. Requesting Accommodations

Ask your loved one how you can best support them. Adjust behaviors if aspects like tone or timing regularly trigger their symptoms.

7. Setting Healthy Boundaries

Be clear regarding behaviors you will not tolerate from them for your health. Enforcing personal limits prevents caregiver burnout.

With active self-care, education, community support, and compassion, you gain the resilience needed to be an empowering, ethical support in your healing journey.

Controversies Regarding HPD Diagnosis

Despite HPD’s inclusion as an established disorder in the DSM-5, some controversies remain regarding its validity, including:

1. Lack of Reliability

Due to extensive symptom overlap with other disorders and unreliable patient self-reporting, different clinicians often do not agree on an HPD diagnosis, putting its reliability into question.

2. Poor Predictive Utility

Unlike many disorders, the diagnosis of HPD currently does not predict response to specific treatments, courses, or outcomes, limiting its clinical utility.

3. Motivations Questioned

Some argue clients presenting with HPD symptoms are consciously motivated to manipulate others through hypochondriasis rather than experiencing involuntary distress.

5. Potential Gender Bias

Since HPD is diagnosed primarily in women, some believe it represents the pathologization of culturally devalued feminine behaviors rather than a real disorder.

6. Alternative Explanations

Other conditions like severe PTSD or bipolar disorder could potentially explain HPD symptoms without requiring a separate personality disorder diagnosis.

Ongoing research aims to improve diagnosis and address these concerns to ensure appropriate and ethical care for clients troubled by chronic emotional dysregulation and interpersonal chaos.

HPD Symptoms Across Cultures

While the core features of excessive emotionality, seductiveness, and attention-seeking tend to be consistent, HPD can manifest differently across cultural contexts:

1. Collectivist vs. Individualistic Cultures

In collectivist cultures emphasizing family ties, HPD reliance on others for identity may be more socially condoned, whereas, in individualistic cultures, clinginess may be perceived as dysfunctional.

2. Cultural Emotional Norms

What is considered emotionally excessive depends on cultural display rules. The heightened excitement and drama of HPD may diverge more from emotionally reserved cultural norms.

3. Seductiveness and Sexuality Norms

Revealing dress and flirtation are viewed very differently across cultures based on norms for female modesty and sexuality. HPD seduction may evoke judgments in conservative contexts.

4. Attention-seeking and Gender Roles

Seeking attention through appearance may be encouraged for women in some cultures but a violation of gender norms in others. Social responses vary.

5. Access to Care

In cultures where mental healthcare access is limited, HPD symptoms may worsen without treatment. Cultural ideas about gender, emotions, and sex also impact care-seeking.

In sum, while the underlying features of HPD exist cross-culturally, norms shape manifestation and response to symptoms in diverse groups. Increasing research on non-Western populations is still needed.

HPD in Diverse Populations

While HPD has been predominantly studied in white females, increasing research examines its presentation across diverse groups:

1. Race/Ethnicity

No clear racial/ethnic differences in core HPD symptoms have been found. However, comorbidities and cultural factors may impact specific manifestations and help-seeking.

2. Men

Seductive behaviors in men with HPD may target same-gender partners. But overall, emotional dramatics and the need for attention remain consistent. Masculine norms may discourage care.


For LGBTQ+ individuals, HPD symptoms often align with gender rather than biological sex. Minority stress exacerbates the disorder. Affirming care is crucial.

4. Disabilities

Those with disabilities like autism or deafness may be misdiagnosed with HPD when attempting to compensate for social struggles. Accurate assessment is key.

5. Older Adults

Dramatic symptoms tend to decline with age, but comorbid depression may worsen due to social isolation or cognitive losses. Supportive care is important.

While some individual differences exist, the benefits of early intervention and compassionate support apply universally to promoting well-being in clients with HPD across diverse groups.

HPD Prevalence Around the World

Research on HPD remains limited outside Western nations, but available data indicates:

  • Estimated prevalence in the general population ranges from 1-3% worldwide based on initial studies.
  • Prevalence appears consistent across European nations like France (1.4%), Poland (1.5%), and Germany (1.7%).
  • A slightly lower prevalence has been found in some Asian countries like China (0.5%) and India (0.4%).
  • One study in Turkey found a higher prevalence of 9.5%, indicating cultural factors may impact rates in some non-Western contexts.
  • HPD is consistently diagnosed more often in women vs. men worldwide, though ratios vary by culture. Sex biases may influence.
  • Co-occurring mood, anxiety, substance use, and other personality disorders are common across cultures.

Further research is still needed on HPD outside Western contexts. However, preliminary data suggests while some cultural variation exists, HPD is prevalent worldwide.

Global collaboration will enrich the cross-cultural understanding of this complex disorder.

Alternative Views of HPD Through History

Perceptions of the core traits of HPD have shifted over time:

1. Ancient World

In Ancient Egypt and Greece, women viewed as overly emotional or seductive were often seen as holy vessels of supernatural forces rather than disordered. Behaviors elicited awe.

2. Middle Ages

During Medieval times in Europe, these same behaviors were more frequently viewed as the result of demonic forces possessing the woman. Exorcisms rather than treatment were used.

3. Renaissance Era

During the Renaissance, flirtatious, dramatic women were sometimes revered as representing free and passionate spirits. Their vigor and sensuality were seen as artistic.

4. 19th Century

By the Victorian era, exuberance and flirtation in women were pathologized as signs of hysteria. Harsh treatments like solitary confinement or induced seizures were used.

5. 20th Century

Views shifted to see dramatic behaviors as resulting from trauma like childhood sexual abuse or invalidating parenting rather than a moral failing. Compassionate care developed.

6. Present Day

Today, the biopsychosocial model integrates biological, psychological, interpersonal, and cultural factors in the compassionate treatment of HPD. Stigma remains, however.

Throughout shifting historical views, the core traits have remained stable, with cultural context shaping response. Greater compassion and understanding are still needed.

Common Myths and Misconceptions About HPD

Despite being a legitimate diagnosable disorder, many myths and misconceptions persist about HPD. Dispelling these is crucial to reducing stigma:

1. Myth: HPD is Just Attention-Seeking

Reality: While attention-seeking is a key symptom, it represents an unhealthy coping mechanism for profound underlying insecurities and fears of abandonment.

2. Myth: People with HPD are Toxic

Reality: The behaviors can be challenging, but with compassionate treatment and support, individuals with HPD can have healthy relationships.

3. Myth: HPD is Caused by Bad Parenting

Reality: While parenting plays a role, many factors like genetics, cultural influences, and temperament also contribute to HPD.

4. Myth: HPD is Untreatable

Reality: While recovery takes time, psychotherapy focused on identity, emotional regulation, and healthy relationships can significantly improve HPD.

5. Myth: People with HPD are Dangerous

Reality: Despite impulsivity, those with HPD are no more likely to be violent. Their drama rarely escalates to harming others.

6. Myth: HPD is Just Women Seeking Attention

Reality: HPD impacts men, too. Gender roles often drive women to exhibit symptoms in emotionally expressive, seductive ways deemed abnormal.

Debunking these and other myths through education and compassionate advocacy is vital to providing ethical care for those living with HPD worldwide.

Current Best Practices in Treating HPD

While a cure for HPD remains elusive, researchers have identified psychotherapy approaches with the strongest evidence for managing symptoms:

1. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT focuses on crisis management, emotional regulation, and interpersonal skills. This addresses impulsivity and instability.

2. Schema Therapy

By modifying deeply entrenched childhood beliefs driving dysfunction, schema therapy improves self-image, relationships, and coping.

3. Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT)

MBT aids those with HPD in building awareness of their thoughts and feelings and others’ perspectives to improve empathy and emotional intelligence.

4. Good Psychiatric Management (GPM)

GPM offers a framework to balance pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and coordinated care management for comorbidities and symptom crises.

5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

By reframing thoughts and making behavioral changes, CBT can reduce attention-seeking behaviors and improve self-regulation.

Further research refining therapeutic best practices for HPD remains vital to improving functioning and quality of life. Compassionate, holistic care is essential.

HPD in Relationships: Challenges and Support Strategies

HPD can profoundly impact relationships. While challenging at times, committed partnerships can succeed with empathy, education, and boundary-setting. Useful strategies include:

1. Learning About HPD

Educate yourself about HPD symptoms and treatments. Understanding motivations for behaviors provides perspective and reduces taking things personally.

2. Establishing Relationship Stability

Consistent emotional availability and modeling healthy intimacy provide an antidote to abandonment fears. Make regular dedicated time.

3. Encouraging Other Friendships

Since relying solely on one’s partner for identity is unhealthy with HPD, gently suggest broadening community ties. Build self-confidence.

4. Speaking Up About Needs

Directly yet compassionately address behaviors you will not tolerate while inviting discussion of needs. Seek win-win compromises.

5. Setting Mutual Goals

Working toward shared goals like financial stability or home ownership fosters a sense of purpose and togetherness. Support progress.

6. Celebrating Milestones

Note and celebrate relationship milestones like anniversaries and major life changes. Reinforce your lasting commitment.

With compassion, education, boundaries, and hope, healthy, fulfilling relationships are possible despite the real challenges of HPD. Shared purpose, consistent love, and open communication pave the way.

Final Words on Ignoring Someone with Histrionic Personality Disorder

Ignoring someone with histrionic personality disorder often does more harm than good. While temporarily withdrawing attention may be needed to reinforce crucial boundaries, outright rejection risks undermining therapeutic progress. 

With insight into the painful insecurities driving HPD attention-seeking behaviors, one can respond with firm boundaries yet unconditional positive regard. Patience, Accountability, and compassion may empower someone with HPD to find health and fulfillment. There is hope!


  1. Change processes in psychotherapy for patients presenting with histrionic personality disorder
  2. Relative Effects of Sexual Assault and Temperament Traits on Cognitive Characteristics of Histrionic Personality Disorder